Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice - Game of the Year Edition Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 4.65Average rating 4.65 stars out of 5 stars from 51594 ratings 51594 ratings 87% 4% 2% 1% 6% Game and Legal Info This Game of the Year Edition now includes bonus content*:- Reflection...
Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice - Game of the Year Edition Global player ratings 4.66Average rating 4.66 stars out of five stars from 52004 ratings 52004 ratings 87% 4% 2% 1% 6% Game and Legal Info This Game of the Year Edition now includes bonus content*: ...
Diese Game of the Year-Edition enthält jetzt Bonus-Inhalte - Reflexion und Kampfreihe der Kraft - neue Boss-Herausforderungsmodi - Relikte - hinterlass Nachrichten und Aufzeichnungen deiner Taten, die andere Spieler ansehen und bewerten können - 3
Game of 2019 - IGN Metacritic Must Play Over 50 awards and nominations Carve your own clever path to vengeance in the critically acclaimed adventure from developer FromSoftware, creators of the Dark Souls series. In Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice you are the 'one-armed wolf', a disgraced and...
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice — Launch Dynamic Theme Free wallpaperTheme 游戏介绍 This Game of the Year Edition now includes bonus content*:- Reflection and Gauntlet of Strength - new boss challenge modes- Remnants - leave messages and recordings of your actions that other players can view and ...
Game of 2019 - IGN Metacritic Must Play Over 50 awards and nominations Carve your own clever path to vengeance in the critically acclaimed adventure from developer FromSoftware, creators of the Dark Souls series. In Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice you are the 'one-armed wolf', a disgraced and...
以50% 折扣的价格在PlayStation Store区官方商店中购买 Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice — Game Of The Year Edition
Game of the Year - The Game Awards 2019 Metacritic Must Play Carve your own clever path to vengeance in the award winning adventure from developer FromSoftware, creators of the Dark Souls series. Take Revenge. Restore Your Honor. Kill Ingeniously
This Game of the Year Edition now includes bonus content - Reflection and Gauntlet of Strength - new boss challenge modes - Remnants - leave messages and recordings of your actions that other players can view and rate - 3 unlockable cosmetic skins Game o
During The Game Awards on Thursday Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, developed by From Software, won the Game of the Year award.