Motivated by these needs in the context of rapid responses to earthquakes and the corresponding research gaps in near real-time damage assessment with instrumentation and vibration-based SHM, this study has been performed within the 2019–2022 European Horizon 2020 project TURNkey (Towards more Earthq...
These irregularities cause many gaps in the shallow parts of the seismic profile (Figure 3). Although the survey line is not a strict straight line, the data are processed as a 2D line because the deviation is not too large. Figure 2. The geometry of the seismic data acquisition. Figure...
Four seismic gaps and five earthquakes have been considered in the study. The same five soil types have been taken into account. The results of this study reveal that the soil type has a significant effect on the response of buildings in the case of pounding as well as in the no-pounding...
These tables and figures provide helpful information that can be used to identify study gaps and viable themes for the future of evolutionary algorithms in multi-objective optimization problems in the field of seismic design studies. 6. Conclusions Energy-dissipating elements are vital for increasing ...
Underwater sound levels in the Arctic: Filling knowledge gaps. Geophys. Res. Lett. 2021, 48, e2021GL094607. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Bonnel, J.; Kinda, G.B.; Zitterbart, D.P. Low-frequency ocean ambient noise on the Chukchi Shelf in the changing Arctic. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. ...
Besides the required investments and optimal integration of the technologies suitable for the construction and/or renovation of buildings at nZEB level, one of the main barriers for this consists in the skills gaps experienced by the building sector. Some projects [95,96,97,98] approach this ...