Often, the seismic network is designed following some basic guidelines, that is, the expected microearthquakes should be located within an array forming an azimuthal gap of less than 180 degrees, and the average inter-station spacing should be of the average hypocentral depths (Toledo et al., ...
which ruptured a ~500 km-long portion of the megathrust, with a peak slip of 17 m to the south of the PIF31(Fig.1A). The Maule earthquake triggered instantaneous slip along the Santa Maria fault and non-instantaneous slip along the PIF, which are located in the southern and norther...
material, Elastic Perfectly Plastic material, Elastic Perfectly Plastic Gap material, Zero Tensile Strength Concrete material, Linear Tension Softening Concrete material, Nonlinear Tension Softening Concrete material, Steel01 material, Steel02 material – Giuffr�-Menegotto-Pinto Model with Isotropic Strain ...
*The gap between 0.5 and 0.6 seems to be a typographic error of the Guide. ≤ 0.2≤IRF<0.4 –Low risk ≤ 0.4≤IRF<0.5 –Medium risk* ≤ 0.6≤IRF<0.8 –High risk* ≤ 0.8≤IRF≤1.0 Social vulnerability IM=1 for very low IM, grade of social vulnerability towards disasters. Taken from...
Shumagin seismic gap, Alaska peninsula. History of great earthquakes, tectonic setting, and evidence for high seismic potential, J. Geophys. Res., 86, 3821–3855. CrossRef Gutenberg, B. and C.F. Richter, 1954. Seismicity of the Earth and Associated Phenomena, Hafner Publishing Co., New ...
seismic risk assessment; graph theory; ShakeMap; HAZUS; dynamic traffic assignment1. Introduction Earthquakes as a natural disaster can effectively bring parts of or all the transportation network systems, especially in metropolitan areas, to an immediate halt. Underestimating the seismic risks of ...