Molecular simulations, analysis and visualization were performed with widely used programs: Amber20, AmberTools22, VMD 1.9.3, UCSF Chimera, Xmgrace, R software environment with the Bio3D library 2.3-0, PyMol 2.0, and Curves+. The starting structure for simulations was obtained from the Protein ...
我正在开发一个 Android 应用程序,使用 google map api v2 在片段中显示地图。当我运行该应用程序时,我总是时不时地在我的日志中收到这条错误消息。
A systematic replacement of the C-terminal portion of non-collagenolytic MMP-3 with the corresponding sequence of MMP-1 allowed us to map the183RWTNNFREY191 sequence in MMP-1 as an additional region critical for the expression of the collagenolytic activity of this enzyme. Chimera LC2 has ...
iex>, square) [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100] 上面定义了一个匿名函数, 它接受一个数字, 求平方值并赋值给square变量. 然后使用Enum.map对数字列表1..10中的每一个数字计算平方值. 注: 关于1..10请参考Range. 高阶函数参考资料: