The effect of tidal asymmetry and temporal settling lag on sediment trapping in tidal estuaries. Ocean. Dyn. 60, 1219e1241.Chernetsky, A. S., Schuttelaars, H. M. & Talke, S. A. [2010] "The effect of tidal asymmetry and temporal settling lag on sediment trapping in tidal estuaries,...
The fluctuating backwater area influenced by the upstream Wudongde Reservoir was slightly eroded, and siltation mainly occurred in the dead storage capacity (below 765 m) of the main stream and tributary estuaries in the perennial backwater area; approximately 15.8 times that in the regulating ...
Along-channel and cross-channel sediment transport in tidal estuaries is usually driven by tides, density gradients, Coriolis's force, wind stress, channel curvature and bathymetric variations. Since the water motion is influenced by density-induced gravitational circulation which in turn affects the sa...
The Effect of Tidal Asymmetry and Temporal Settling Lag on Sediment Trapping in Tidal Estuaries Over decades and centuries, the mean depth of estuaries changes due to sea-level rise, land subsidence, infilling, and dredging projects. These processes p... AS Chernetsky,HM Schuttelaars,SA Talke ...
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utilized for engineering practices covering, e.g., entire river reaches or even estuaries. In recent years, highly resolved simulations have become a valuable tool to provide these closure arguments for sediment transport models on the continuum scale. In this paper, we will review the most ...
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Recently, researchers in coastal engineering have paid more attention to the role of sediment (particulate organic matter adsorbed on fine solid particles, diameter range 1-100 μm) in considering the biodiversity of estuaries. In this study, permeability reduction of saturated sand columns by sedimen...
Particle trapping in estuarine tidal flows. Journal of Geophysical Research 99: 445–461.CrossRef Postma, H. 1967. Sediment transport and sedimentation in the estuarine environment. In Estuaries, Publ. 83, ed. G. H. Lauff, 158–179. Washington, D. C.: Am. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci....
Because of these trapping processes, the formation of high-concentration layers, and the occurrence of hyperpycnal plumes, the transport of sediment in river-influenced environments is often dominated by near-bottom fluxes rather than fluxes in the surface plume. 展开 ...