Sediment trap experiments in the water column off southwestern Taiwan: 234Th fluxes. J. Oceanogr. 50, 403-414.Wei, C.-L., Jen, K.-L., Chu, K., 1994. Sediment trap experiments in the water column off southwestern Taiwan: 234Th fluxes. J. Oceanogr. 50, 403-414....
The seasonal abundance of deep-water Zooplankton occurring in a sediment trap moored at 600 m depth south of Iceland was studied from integrated monthly samples during the period November 1986-September 1989. Copepods, ostracods and pteropods usually made up 70-90 % of the animals in the ...
2.Solid fragments of inorganic or organic material that come from the weathering of rock and are carried and deposited by wind, water, or ice. [Latinsedimentum,act of settling, fromsedēre,to sit, settle; seesed-inIndo-European roots.] ...
turbidity currents (Supplementary Figs.4and5). Near-bed estuarine circulation may also help to trap fine sediment in this second model57(Supplementary Discussion). It is unclear which process(es) generated canyon-flushing turbidity currents, due to lack of observations from the river-mouth. To und...
Design of A Low-cost Purification System for the Removal of Arsenic from Tubewell water in Bangladesh and India A low -cost purification system has been designed which incorporates air/light oxidation, a sediment trap and a bed of adsorb ent chemicals in a brick-tank which can be placed ...
Ordinary polymer (blue) and paint resin (red) distribution found in the Arkona basin sediment trap samples. (A) cumulative and(B)over time.(B)Numbers on the x-axis represent the time in months over the sampling year from December 2012 until January 2014. The grey line illustrates the sedim...
water-soil projects in the Yangtze Basin were conducted upstream of the TGD42. Based on the sediment budget, sediment annually trapped in the reservoirs upstream of the TGR is comparable with that in the TGR. Considering the trap efficiency of the TGR (80%), the soil conservation in upstream...
To some extent, this was consistent with a previous report on the distinct structure of diazotrophic communities between groundwater and in situ sediment “trap” samples from groundwater monitoring wells in the Illinois Basin (USA) [55]. Ren et al. [52] have also found that the composition ...
A novel DGT‐sediment trap device for the in situ measurement of element remobilization from settling particles in water columns and its application to tra... A device has been developed for the direct in situ measurement of metal remobilization into solution from settling particles in water ...
Grass strips can decrease erosion, trap sediment in silt-laden water flowing downhill, and control nonpoint source pollution. Determining the effects of different parts of grass strips on silt-laden overland flow will improve our understanding of sediment trapping by grass strips with different structu...