204:No Content 服务器已经接受请求并且没必要返回实体数据,可能需要返回更新信息 1. 2. 3. 4. 3xx:Redirection 300 Multiple Choices 请求资源符合任何一个呈现方式。 01 Moved Permanently 请求的资源已经被赋予一个新的URI。 302 Found 通过不同的URI请求资源的临时文件。 303 See Other 1. 2. 3. 4. 5....
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'strict-dynamic' 'self' 'nonce-6MJayq01+GIeI1e4EsWB0w==' 'report-sample'; report-uri /MYTENANT.onmicrosoft.com/B2C_1A_MYPOLICY/client/cspreport?p=B2C_1A_MYPOLICY frame-ancestors https://MYDOMAIN1.COM https://MYDOMAIN2.COM This leads to different ...
Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy (anti-spam policies) Get-MalwareFilterPolicy Defender for Office 365 policies: Get-SafeAttachmentPolicy Get-SafeLinksPolicy Warning Do not attempt to create, modify, or remove the individual security policies that are associated with preset security policies. The only sup...
Error 791: The L2TP connection attempt failed because security policy for the connection was not found. error adding http location to revocation configuration error Archiving Private Key Error Constructing or Publishing Certificate Error during installation of NDES Error of The permissions on the certifica...
violates the Content Security Policy.", "code": 18, "message": "Failed to register a ServiceWorker: The provided scriptURL ('https://nextcloud.mydomain.de/index.php/apps/files/preview-service-worker.js') violates the Content Security Policy.", "name": "SecurityError", "level": 2, "uid...
Reporting Content-Security-Policy violations If an attacker had found any vulnerabilities on our site, then using the directives above we would be blocking a good bunch of potential attacks for users on modern browsers. However, users on browsers (mainly Internet Explorer) that still do not suppor...
Your policy will go inside thecontentattribute of themetatag. The header nameContent-Security-Policyshould go inside thehttp-equivattribute of themetatag. Themetatag must go inside aheadtag. The CSP policy only applies to content found after themetatag is processed, so you should keep it towar...
If this policy is enabled, it allows only the interactively logged-on user to access removable CD-ROM media. If this policy is enabled and no one is logged-on interactively, the CD-ROM can be accessed over the network. Default: This policy isn't defined and CD-ROM access isn't ...
A security policy has two basic actions — permit and deny — to determine whether traffic is allowed to pass through. Match conditions such as users, terminals, time segments, addresses, regions, services, applications, and URL categories, as well as various profiles required for content security...