"content_security_policy": "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://maps.googleapis.com/ https://ssl.google-analytics.com; object-src 'self'" It's working fine, now I converted my extension to Microsoft edge extension. and the overall code works except Content security policy block the ...
Content-Security-Policy:default-src'self';report-uri http://reportcollector.example.com/collector.cgi 如果想让浏览器只汇报报告,不阻止任何内容,可以改用Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only头。 违规报告语法 该报告JSON对象包含以下数据: blocked-uri:被阻止的违规资源 document-uri:拦截违规行为发生的页面 orig...
ConsoleLogger.js:59 [ERROR] files: SW registration failed: { "app": "files", "error": "DOMException: Failed to register a ServiceWorker: The provided scriptURL ('https://nextcloud.mydomain.de/index.php/apps/files/preview-service-worker.js') violates the Content Security Policy.", "code"...
1 Chrome Plugin and Content Security Policy errors 36 How to fix chrome-extension inline JavaScript invocation error? 7 Chrome Extension: Content Security Policy Error 0 Chrome Extension Content-Security-Policy throwing errors, while it's set on * 16 Why am I getting "Failed to load ext...
2."Content-Security-Policy"头缺失 3."Content-Security-Policy"头中缺少 "Frame-Anchors"策略或策略不安全 4."Content-Security-Policy" 头中缺少 "Script-Src" 策略或策略不安全 5."X-Content-Type-Options"头缺失或不安全 6."X-XSS-Protection"头缺失或不安全 ...
微信小程序中使用web-view 引用如外部页面。当外部页面添加Content-Security-Policy 后再删除,小程序会始终提示 EvalError: Refused to create a WebAssembly object because 'unsafe-eval' or 'wasm-unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Co
用header 的话,key 是 Content-Security-Policy,value 是 default-src 'self'。 CSP 可以配置不同 src 的条件,比如 script-src 指的是 JavaScript,img-src 指的是图片,而 default-src 指的是所有 src 默认的条件。 上面这句 default-src 'self' 意思是 HTML 里所有要加载的 resource 必须来自于 self / ...
步骤 Edge扩展 Edge的扩展位置为 C:\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\...
This error is already under the discussion, and we are checking internally on this as well. I found the stack flow reference for the same -https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69799461/content-security-policy-error-on-login-azure-b2c-pages ...
两种方法可以启用 CSP。一种是通过HTTP 头信息的Content-Security-Policy的字段。Content-Security-Policy:...