RIYADH, April 21 (Xinhua) -- Saudi Arabia's security forces shot down a recreational drone in the capital Riyadh on Saturday, the official Saudi News Agency reported. The Saudi forces shot down the drone after social media showed gunfire in the neighborhood where Saudi King Salman's home is ...
Saudi security forces kill militant in northern Riyadh, security officer killed
Riyadh, which opposes the Russian port, has offered greater investment in Sudan if it drops the deal (Sudan Tribune, May 25). Port Sudan – Red Sea Gateway to Africa The Sudanese ambassador to Russia has assured Moscow that Sudan is not backing away from its commitment to construct a ...
89]. Building on the need to understand the driving forces behind AI-driven cyberattacks, this section explores the motivations behind these complex activities. To fulfil the third research objective
Before leaving to Calicut city,Amit Shah will address party workers from the airport. The party president will evaluate the progress of party meet during his stay at Kadavu Resort. Special Protection Group IG MG Gupta (wearing black glass) examined the venue of Smriti Sandhya, a programme of ...
forces in Iraq now leading groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra — the Saudi government has apparently calculated that its use of jihadist proxies in Syria is worth the inherent risk. There are some immediate benefits for Riyadh. First, the Saudis hope to be able to break the arc of Shiite ...
Descriptive Study on COVID-19 Infection in Children: A Case at the Security Forces Hospital (SFH)-AL Riyadh-Saudi Arabiadoi:10.9734/bpi/rdmmr/v12/2656eElsharif. A. BazieA. AlanaziWejdan Hamed Abdullah AlshammariF. AlharbiF. Alghamdi...
Saudi security forces kill five suspected militants, arrest a sixth in raids in RiyadhABDULLAH ALSHIHRI
Sobayo EIMemish ZMofti AAlMohaya SRotowa NAnn Saudi MedAnnals of Saudi MedicineSobayo EI, Memish Z, Mofti A, Al-Mohaya S, Rotowa N. Device-day infection rates--a surveillance component system for intensive care units at Security Forces Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Ann Saudi Med ...