Saudi security forces kill militant in northern Riyadh, security officer killed
Campus Police, Chris Harper-Mercer, Community Policing, Crime Prevention, Hospital Security, Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement Officers Security Unions, LEOSU, Oregon college shooter Christopher Harper-Mercer's suicide, Oregon college shooting, Police, Policies and Procedures, Public Safety, Roseburg, Scho...
The Saudi forces shot down the drone after social media showed gunfire in the neighborhood where Saudi King Salman's home is located, sparking speculation of political unrest. The report quoted the spokesman of the Riyadh police as saying that an unauthorized small recreational drone was noticed by...
89]. Building on the need to understand the driving forces behind AI-driven cyberattacks, this section explores the motivations behind these complex activities. To fulfil the third research objective
Ironically, it is the Malian junta’s invitation to the Russians that has brought the Tuareg separatists the aerial power in the form of drones that they need to defeat government forces and their allies on the battlefield. However, diplomatic support for “Azawad” from a Western nation would...
Sobayo EIMemish ZMofti AAlMohaya SRotowa NAnn Saudi MedAnnals of Saudi MedicineSobayo EI, Memish Z, Mofti A, Al-Mohaya S, Rotowa N. Device-day infection rates--a surveillance component system for intensive care units at Security Forces Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Ann Saudi Med ...
Saudi security forces kill five suspected militants, arrest a sixth in raids in RiyadhABDULLAH ALSHIHRI
Descriptive Study on COVID-19 Infection in Children: A Case at the Security Forces Hospital (SFH)-AL Riyadh-Saudi Arabiadoi:10.9734/bpi/rdmmr/v12/2656eElsharif. A. BazieA. AlanaziWejdan Hamed Abdullah AlshammariF. AlharbiF. Alghamdi...