英语翻译 我想问:1、I will call her back.是叫某人回来还是让某人回电话 2、secretary general of the Cabinet
secretary of the department of the prime minister and cabinet 的职责在于辅助总理及内阁运作。该职位是英国政府架构中的关键角色之一,主要职责包括政策制定支持、行政管理协调以及与其他政府部门的沟通协调。具体而言,秘书需确保内阁会议的顺利进行,为总理提供政策建议,并处理内阁日常事务。在实际操作中,...
theCrown.'1Infact,manyof myearly dutiesassecretaryof thecabinettooktheformofpersonaserviceto thePrime Minister.At notimedidKinggivetheimpres-sionthathe had anyreal interestin thesecretariatas aninstitution; neverdidheappreciateitssignificancein theadministrative schemeofthings.He re-1WLMKtoADPH,13July...
aHe will not be the first cabinet secretary to sell this line of being a decent person savaged by a three-headed Cerberus in the White House. 他不会是卖这条线的第一位内阁秘书是三朝向的Cerberus savaged的一个正派人在白宫里。[translate]...
United States Cabinet,US Cabinet- a board to advise the President; members are the secretaries of executive departments; the United States constitution does not provide for the cabinet 2. Secretary of the Interior- the person who holds the secretaryship of the Interior Department; "President Taylor...
网络财政部长;美国财长;美国财政部长 网络释义 1. 财政部长 一些翻译~(转的~) ... secretary of state 国务卿secretary of the treasury财政部长senator 参议员 ... www.douban.com|基于150个网页 2. 美国财长 美国财长(Secretary of the Treasury)提出了一个问题资产救助计划(Troubled Asset Relief Program)来...
1.西方发达国家的定义。国际职业秘书组织(英文全称:professional secretaries international)是以欧美等发达国家为主的跨国秘书组织,它给秘书所下的定义是:"具有熟练的办公室工作能力,不需上级敦促即能主动负责、积极进取、干练果断、能在授权范围作正确决定的经理助手。2.原苏联的定义。认为:"秘书是...
The secretary of the Treasury is an appointed Cabinet-level position in the U.S. federal government. The secretary of the Treasury acts as a principal advisor to the President and the Cabinet on economic issues. The United States Department of the Treasury, which the secretary oversees, perform...
Canada's Secretary of State for External Affairs was, from 1909 to 1993, the member of the Cabinet of Canada responsible for overseeing the federal government's international relations and the former Department of External Affairs. The first two Secretaries of State for External Affairs from 1909...
The U.S. secretary of labor position is controlled by the U.S. president and is part of the president’s executive cabinet of leaders. The U.S. secretary of labor oversees all activities of the Department of Labor. The U.S. secretary of labor is a Level I position in the Executive ...