Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroshige Seko: Japan Steel is considering putting forward a bold plan that differs in terms of Trade with United States Steel.The translation is provided by third-party software. The above content is for informational or educational purposes only and does not ...
Statement by the Japanese chief secretary of the cabinet on the measures to assist the republic of South Africa Tokyo, 6 July 1994doi:10.1080/10220469409545128NoneSouth African Journal of International Affairs
What's in the in-tray of NHS England's new chief executive? Add another round of NHS restructuring2 and a new secretary of state for health and social care, and the task looks even bigger. What will it take to do the job well? It's easy to think of the post as "just" the top...
Define the Chief Executive and Secretary. means the Chief Executive and Secretary of the IET for the time being or any person performing the duties of the Chief Executive and Secretary of the IET.
Does the Cabinet report to the Chief of Staff? Is the Chief of Staff part of administrative management? Does the Chief of Staff advise the president? Is the president part of the executive branch? Is the Chief of Staff in charge of the Secretary of State? Are governors part of the execut...
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Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary的中文翻译:日本内阁首席内阁大臣 日本内阁:日本内阁为最高行政机关,由内阁总理大臣(首相)及其他国务大臣组成。微行政权不属于个人而属于统一体的内阁。内阁总理大臣由天皇根据国会的提名任命 ,其他国务大臣由内阁总理大臣任免,内阁总理大臣须在国会议员中提名,半数以上...
1. According to the Charter, the president is chief of the armed forces. 根据宪法规定,总统是武装部队的首脑。 2. chief是什么意思 2. The president is also the chief of the armed forces. 总统也是三军的统帅。 chief 网络解释 1. 主任:在广州,有时则各船管理会联合组成一个管理会,以年资较高的...
In a statement yesterday, the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Dr Misheck Sibanda, said President Mnangagwa had assigned VP Chiwenga to represent him at the late chief's burial. Family spokesperson, Mr Donald Khumalo, said VP Chiwenga gave an assurance that he would attend the bur...
The UN secretary-general's statement came hours after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the nation's security cabinet approved a ceasefire agreement with Hezbollah. The ceasefire is expected to take effect on Wednesday morning. ...