aspirin (ARR 1.5%, PPPPPConclusions Despite changes in international guidelines, aspirin monotherapy should retain its position as the main antiplatelet agent for secondary prevention of non-cardioembolic ischaemic stroke.Key Words: Aspirin, dipyridamole, clopidogrel, secondary prevention, strokeLuk...
ideally<70(ifCHD,severe stenosis,DM)•Obesity:BMI>30increasesstrokerisk(duh)•Quittobaccoandsecondaryexposure•ETOH-theJcurve MondayMorningCall •Youarenotifiedthatapatientofyoursisbeingdischargedformthehospitalafterhavinganischemicstroke.•Whenshouldyouschedulethisfollow-upappointment?
Stroke recurrence continues to be the major risk for stroke survivors. Risk factor control and antithrombotic medication are two major strategies for patie
[Calculation of costs of stroke, cost effectiveness of stroke units and secondary prevention in patients after a stroke, as recommended by revised CBO practice guideline 'Stroke'] OBJECTIVE: Economic analyses have been part of the revision of the Dutch multi-disciplinary stroke guidelines. We ...
Although the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association guidelines suggest an equal benefit of aspirin, aspirin/dipyridamole, and clopidogrel in secondary prevention, the use of aspirin in the elderly may be preferred for reasons related to compliance and experience. Warfarin was largely ...
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Examples of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What are examples of tertiary prevention? Tertiary prevention involves continuous medical care as a way to alleviate the symptoms of a negative health condition. Examples include cardiac or stroke rehabilitation...
In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), pathological changes may arise up to 20 years before the onset of dementia. This pre-dementia window provides a unique opportunity for secondary prevention. However, exposing non-demented subjects to putative therapies
Stroke prevalence, mortality and disability rates are connected with stroke recurrence. Recurrent stroke oc- curs in 10-12% of patients during first 12 month after stroke onset and in 5-8% of patient each next year. The risk of death and higher degree of disability is higher among the patie...
Cryptogenic stroke according to TOAST criteria is a stroke which is not due to cardiogenic embolism, small vessel disease with lacunes or large vessel disease of brain supplying arteries. In the context of secondary stroke prevention studies, cryptogenic stroke is not operationally defined. RECENT ...