Stroke remains the second most common cause of death worldwide and the most common cause of neurological disability in the developed world. Progress has been made in the primary prevention of stroke through more aggressive treatment of risk factors, particularly hypertension, resulting in a fall in...
Using status of secondary prevention medications in post-stroke dysphagia patients: time to raise awareness and develop special formulations Post-stroke dysphagia (PSD) is an increasingly common complication of stroke. Despite its intuitively unfavorable impact on secondary prevention medication... N Yu,...
strokerisk•15%ofallstrokesarefromAfib.Hypertension •Hypertension:•72MillionAmericans(2021)haveHTN:>140/90•ACEI/ARB+thiazidediureticmostprotective againststroke•WhatSHOULDtheidealBPbeinyourpost- strokepatient?Diabetes:•Diabetes:•25.8AmericanshaveDiabetes.•WhatshouldtheHbA1Cbeforpost-stroke ...
The main goal is to control glycaemia, although it has never been shown to be beneficial in stroke patients. Other preventive strategies include antiplatelet treatment. The open-label Primary Prevention Project trial tested the efficacy of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in prevention of ...
TheABCsofSecondaryStrokePrevention:卒中 二级预防的基本知识 AntiplateletTherapy •IsAspirinreallyenough?81vs325mgvsmore?DoesASAfail?Anticoagulation •Indications:•AtrialFibrillation-theelusivearrhythmia•PFO-whattodo?ASA?Atrialseptalaneurysm?Age?•RecommendreversalafterICH,SAH,SDH,Considerresumingafter1-2...
Ringleb P: Antithrombotic Secondary Prevention After Stroke - HC () Citation Context ...let therapy has been shown to reduce the risk of recurrent CVA by 11% to 15% in patients with prior ischemic stroke of non-cardiac origin and reduce the risk of stroke, MI, and vascular death, by ...
[Calculation of costs of stroke, cost effectiveness of stroke units and secondary prevention in patients after a stroke, as recommended by revised CBO practice guideline 'Stroke'] OBJECTIVE: Economic analyses have been part of the revision of the Dutch multi-disciplinary stroke guidelines. We ...
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Secondary prevention of stroke in the elderly: a review of the evidence. Alhusban A, Fagan SC. Secondary prevention of stroke in the elderly: a review of the evidence. Am J Geriatr Pharmacother 2011; 9: 143-52... A Alhusban,SC Fagan - 《American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy》 ...
Stroke recurrence continues to be the major risk for stroke survivors. Risk factor control and antithrombotic medication are two major strategies for patie