Sea of Solitude isn’t a bad game, but it’s one that could’ve been far more profound if it handled its delicate subject matter with more care. There’s an engaging story to be told, but all of its compelling narrative ideas are constantly undermined by its cringe-inducing voice acting... 孤寂之洋(Sea of Solitude)是一款解谜冒险单机游戏,如果将宫崎骏的动画风格和寂静岭等恐怖游戏结合在一起,会碰撞出怎样的火花呢?《孤寂之洋(Sea of Solitude)》这款第三人称冒险游戏将给我们带来答案。游戏背景设置在一座被大水淹没的城市,游戏的主角肯承受不了...
Sea of Solitude released last year for Xbox One, PS4 and PC, and told the story of Kay as her feelings of loneliness and anger turned her into a monster. She embarks on a journey to discover why she turned out this way, exploring a flooded city teeming with other monsters. It’s ...
Anyway, I could go on and on about this game, but just know that games like Sea of Solitude are important. It personifies Kay’s journey with mental health issues, and brings to light different types of situations that people suffering from MHI might encounter. It also brings with it persp...
Sea of Solitudeis a platforming adventure by Jo-Mei Games and published byElectronic Arts. You play as Kay, a young woman who awakens on a boat in a flooded city as a monster. With a much bigger creature lurking in the water, Kay must take a lonely and perilous journey to discover wha...
- Sea of Solitude (Episode 3) Episode aired Aug 6, 2020 YOUR RATING RateComedy Add a plot 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息 Add to WatchlistPhotos Add photoStoryline EditUser reviews Be the first to review Details Edit Release date August 6, 2020 (Norway) See more company credits at IMDbProContrib...
Sea of Solitude offers up a lot to love, with its rich aesthetics and well-intentioned design, but it fails to make a lasting impression with its gameplay or story.
Main Story 3h 8m Main + Extra 3h 51m Completionist 5h 41m Add-ons & Bundles 主题 notifications Alert favorite Like add_circle To Lib visibility_off Hide Sea Of Solitude Theme Free wallpaperTheme 游戏介绍 Previous special offer price valid from 10-11-2023 to 13-11-2023 was (£3.99...
I’ve often been alone and crave solitude. But, this wasn’t like that. More lonely than I think I have ever felt. I felt very small. In a place that was well known for things that like to come out’ve the blue void and eat. Very vulnerable. At the same time, I wanted to...
Step 1: Play through the Story & get All Collectibles (Seagulls, Bottled Messages) In Sea of Solitude, nothing is missable thanks to Chapter Select. In addition to some story-related and miscellaneous chapter-specific trophies, the game also has collectible types: Seagulls and Bottled Messages....