【GDC 编程讲座合集】【双语字幕】涂黑:'孤独之海'的艺术 Paint It Black: The Art of 'Sea of Solitude'游戏开发精粹 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 927 0 18:28 App Blender打造吉卜力风格化草地教程~ 937 0 01:20:03 App 中配|GDC2019|Zachtronics的开放式谜题设计——Open-Ended...
Subpar voice acting undermines Sea of Solitude's excellent narrative. Sea of Solitude is an interesting concept built on top of mediocre gameplay, although it's unique take on mental health does make it stand out from the crowd. Share This Game: ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EDcrwDCYqo 孤寂之洋(Sea of Solitude)是一款解谜冒险单机游戏,如果将宫崎骏的动画风格和寂静岭等恐怖游戏结合在一起,会碰撞出怎样的火花呢?《孤寂之洋(Sea of Solitude)》这款第三人称冒险游戏将给我们带来答案。游戏背景设置在一座被大水淹没的城市,游戏的主角肯承受不了...
-An emotional adventure — Sea of Solitude: The Director’s Cut takes you on a beautiful and heart-pounding action-adventure with Kay, a girl so hopeless that she has turned into a monster. Guide her through the tempest towards tranquility as she faces off against relentless beasts of her ...
Sea of Solitude embarks players on a nuanced and intimate action-adventure, where players must guide Kay her through her Sea of Solitude, in this touching tale of darkness and light.- A METAPHORICAL WORLDWater levels rise and fall to reflect Kay's own state of mind, transforming the flooded...
Delve into Sea of Solitude and face your monsters! Coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on July 5! Pre-order here:https://t.co/qOhDacb76z#SeaofSolitudepic.twitter.com/vd8PUNUhAX — Electronic Arts (@EA)May 28, 2019
Jo-Mei Games uses this depression, anxiety, and fear to create a backdrop for both aesthetics and its gameplay. A vast and lonely city partially devoured by the sea acts as an on-the-nose allegory for solitude. Meanwhile, the game’s cast of characters are primarily huge, jet black ...
Sea of Solitude is a game with a lot to say, though it struggles to impart its familiar lessons in an engaging way. Sea of Solitude follows the red-eyed Kay, a young woman cast adrift in a sunken, pastel-coloured German city. It’s clear from the get-go that she’s having a hard...
re playing this game to take a journey with Kay and see why in the world she wallows in a sea of solitude. How she progresses through the game, if it’s perfect or not (and it’s not), is inconsequential to the gameplay. Sure, you have issues with loosey-goosey controls that ...
Sea of Solitude - 3小时白金视频攻略(转载自youtube) 赛特122 1047 1 5:1 【Oberhofer】Sea of Dreams _Sadsnowblind 2268 1 2:21 青海摇,但是Sea Of Problems 优秀赫柏_ 69.2万 204 60:4 循环歌单 | "全网超火压迫感神曲" |《SEA OF TRANQUILITY》 peach63 158.1万 174 1:47 【Phonk】漂Sea Of ...