sea level changeSea level in the vicinity of Miami, Florida, is from three separate time series: Miami Beach (19321980), Haulover Pier (19821992), and Virginia Key (1994-present). In order to calculate the ensemble trend in Miami mean sea level (MSL), the three records must be merged ...
With sea levels on the rise, prevailing thought suggests such investment should not occur in South Florida. However, the City of Miami could very well be the best place for tall new building construction within this region. Aside from the advantages of building upon an already established city ...
That was many months before Hurricane Irma ravaged the city and made streets look like rivers, as the massive storm hit the city of Miami in the U.S. state of Florida over the weekend and grabbed nationwide headlines. But experts said that hurricanes are not the main threat to the low-ly...
But southern Florida lies on a bed of porous limestone. During high tides, flooding can -- and does -- occur on sunny days, without even a drop of rain. That's because high tides -- increasingly higher due to sea level rise spurred by climate change -- seep up through the drainage s...
Miami, Florida (US) Competitive salary and benefits University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science 2.NRC Research Associateshi...
What state is the highest above sea level? How many feet above sea level is Delray Beach, Florida? How much of Miami is below sea level? How many feet above sea level is Fort Myers, Florida? What is the lowest point below sea level?
Islands are some of the most biodiverse places on earth, but they are also hotspots of biodiversity loss. The coastline of Florida, U.S.A., is surrounded b
Sea Level Rise is a serious issue, especially here in South Florida. Residents in Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and the Keys are already beginning to see the negative impact of climate change through occasional “sunny day” flooding and salt water intrusion at high tides. This problem is ...
Climate gentrification: from theory to empiricism in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Environ. Res. Lett. 13, 054001 (2018). Discusses the concept of ‘climate gentrification’ due to SLR. Google Scholar McAlpine, S. A. & Porter, J. R. Estimating recent local impacts of sea-level rise on ...
Climate gentrification: from theory to empiricism in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Environ. Res. Lett. 13, 054001 (2018). Discusses the concept of ‘climate gentrification’ due to SLR. Google Scholar McAlpine, S. A. & Porter, J. R. Estimating recent local impacts of sea-level rise on ...