sea level risevulnerabilitySea level rise threatens coastal communities throughout the United States, and South Florida is on the front line. The iconic and built-up city of Miami Beach, Florida, has a well-developed, high-value property market, and the municipality has been lauded for ...
This is the world we face as sea level rise, a stark reality of climate change, continues to accelerate. As the mercury climbs higher on our global thermometer, so too does the level of our seas, threatening to redraw the map of our world in ways that are far from benign. The implicat...
and two Google Mapplets for adding contour lines and terrain profiling to Google Maps comes the Sea Level Rise Visualization mapplet, more advanced than the Flood Maps website mentioned in a previous post. You can set three different flooding levels, and assign different colors to them (red, or...
To illustrate this point, CTBUH analyzed 1.3 million buildings in the Miami area by their elevation above mean sea level. Although52%of these buildings lie at 10 meters or less above mean sea level, just0.3%of those are sited below 2.2 meters - the maximum projected sea-level rise by 2100...
Posted inwater|Taggedcities,dredging,flooding,high-tide flooding,hurricane,Jacksonville,Miami,New York City,sea level rise,storm surge,tides,Wilmington|Leave a comment Lessons on Containment for the Climate Pandemic Posted onJuly 18, 2020byPhilip Orton ...
Anthropogenic sea-level rise (SLR) is predicted to impact, and, in many cases, displace, a large proportion of the population via inundation and heightened SLR-related hazards. With the global coastal population projected to surpass one billion people this century, SLR might be among the most ...
A city built on land rescued from the sea, it is not only unusually at risk from sea-level rise; it also hides parts of its marshy past beneath its streets and buildings. As a project by the Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center recently wrote, “No city in the U.S. has a...
Shown are GLL_DTM_v2 and selected GDEMs at native resolution (SRTM and CoastalDEM v2.1 at ∼90 m and FABDEM at ∼30 m) as well as local airborne LiDAR data for Everglades and Miami (NOAA Sea Level Rise DEM, 2020) and Amsterdam (AHN3, 2019). Note that NOAA LiDAR data are not ...
Rather than bottom-up pressure built on residents’ alarm about sea-level rise, we found a continuation of the usual rational investment decisions. Developers are driving the process Present-day “climate gentrification” in Miami is largely determined anddriven b...
Cartagena is subsiding at a higher rate compared to that of global climate-driven sea level rise. We investigate the relative sea level rise (RSLR) and the influence of vertical land movements in Cartagena through the integration of different datasets, including tide gauge records, GPS geodetic ...