logger.debug(msg) return 0, {} Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,31 +157,49 @@ def llm_crawler(url: str, logger) -> (int, dict): return 11, info def general_scraper(site: str, expiration: date, existing: list[str], logger) -> list[dict]: try: with httpx.Client() as client:...
# The XML parsing scheme is not used because there are abnormal characters in the XML code extracted from the weixin public_msg item_pattern = re.compile(r'<item>(.*?)</item>', re.DOTALL) url_pattern = re.compile(r'<url><!\[CDATA\[(.*?)]]></url>') summary_pattern = re.com...
Atomatically do deactivate action when kill/rebalance topology, and the wait time is 2 * MSG_TIMEOUT fix nongrouping bug, random.nextInt will generate value less than 0. Sleep one setting time(default is 1 minute) after finish spout open, which is used to wait other task finish initializat...
def GetMondrianImage(i=0, fn=None): import cStringIO stream = cStringIO.StringIO(GetMondrianData(i, fn)) return wx.ImageFromStream(stream) def GetMondrianIcon(i=0, fn=None): icon = wx.EmptyIcon() icon.CopyFromBitmap(GetMondrianBitmap(i, fn)) return icon def macNotify(msg, title): ...