Hello, We've a custom board with RT1176 MCU. For the SDRAM we are using EM638165BM-5IH from EtronTech which is 4M x 16-bit SDRAM. To test the SDRAM,
100M直接用的HCLK的200M分频的100M 是没问题的 我目前使用SDRAM的PLL2 分频108M做emwin 的显示...
发现MEMTEST8..周末盘古董主板和内存条,刻了张memtest86+的光盘,发现能测试sdram pc133的内存条,把库存内存都翻出来测一遍,居然还都能正常运行。
MEMTEST86居..周末盘古董主板和内存条,发现memtest居然能测试sdram pc133的内存条。按现在的硬件标准看,这内存速度太感人了,每秒速度只有192mb老古董质量真是很不错,放了20多年还能通过测试
An SDRAM Test Education Package that Embeds the Factory Equipment into the E-Learning Server - Ferreira, Le茫o - 2008 () Citation Context ...opment, work from their desks instead of walking to the factory shop-floor. Due to their very high cost, SDRAM testers are an excellent example to...
在其它组件或封装上则与SDRAM 模块相同。 DDR SDRAM 模块一共有184个接脚,且只有一个缺槽,与SDRAM的模块并不兼容。 DDR SDRAM 在命名原则上也与SDRAM 不同。SDRAM 的命名是按照时钟频率来命名的,例如 PC100 与PC133。而 DDR SDRAM 则是以数据传输量作为命名原则,例如PC1600 以及 PC2100,单位 ...
I would like to know a good way to test SDRAM using NIOS I (not NIOS II). I thought I had a good way; just had a program that wrote various non-overlapping patterns to SDRAM (it ran off on-chip memory, not the SDRAM), and then read them back.. did various shorted/open line ...
【本人现在在准备一个高通平台module的baseband test plan,但是在参照一些资料的时候,发现测试DDR2 差分时钟信号线CK/CK#的各方面参数时,有两个参数VID 和 VIX】
I am using stm32h750b-dk board and whenever I am running test code provided by zephyr in zephyr/tests/drivers/memc/ram the code passes for sram1 and sram2 but always fails for sdram2 even though the board has one sdram2. The test results are as follows Please also mention any informa...
A:DDR(俗称内存)检测失败,可能由于DDR的地址,控制,数据等信号异常导致,常见的为暴力运输,高空抛物导致DDR焊球开裂,多见于新设备,设备反复打印DDR SDRAM test ... fail 可直接定位内存故障,需要进行硬件维修。