Hello, We've a custom board with RT1176 MCU. For the SDRAM we are using EM638165BM-5IH from EtronTech which is 4M x 16-bit SDRAM. To test the SDRAM,
发现MEMTEST8..周末盘古董主板和内存条,刻了张memtest86+的光盘,发现能测试sdram pc133的内存条,把库存内存都翻出来测一遍,居然还都能正常运行。
An SDRAM Test Education Package that Embeds the Factory Equipment into the E-Learning Server - Ferreira, Le茫o - 2008 () Citation Context ...opment, work from their desks instead of walking to the factory shop-floor. Due to their very high cost, SDRAM testers are an excellent example to...
MEMTEST86居..周末盘古董主板和内存条,发现memtest居然能测试sdram pc133的内存条。按现在的硬件标准看,这内存速度太感人了,每秒速度只有192mb老古董质量真是很不错,放了20多年还能通过测试
求助iPodMINI2 显示SDRAMFULL TEST 只看楼主 收藏 回复 chen琛16 果果彩蛋 1 开机卡住了之后不知道怎么点的出现了这个,接着就完全卡住不动了,求助这个要怎么解决啊? Aaron 甜心果 3 按一下播放键试试 t00dnn 湛蓝果 7 卡进工程了应该是 pine 果果彩蛋 1 按一下播放键可以退出这个界面,之后不断的...
I still can see sdram init failed, but, when I manually read-write upto 4-byte words, it works well: Initializing SDRAM @0x40000000... Switching SDRAM to software control. Switching SDRAM to hardware control. Memtest at 0x40000000 (2.0MiB)... ...
I would like to know a good way to test SDRAM using NIOS I (not NIOS II). I thought I had a good way; just had a program that wrote various non-overlapping patterns to SDRAM (it ran off on-chip memory, not the SDRAM), and then read them back.. did various shorted/open line ...
I have a problem relate to DDR3 interface when running DDR3 SDRAM Test by Nios II, local_init_done is asserted. I tried to debug and search information but there is no more information. Can you help me to solve it? Translate Labels Board|Test Design|Layou...
A:DDR(俗称内存)检测失败,可能由于DDR的地址,控制,数据等信号异常导致,常见的为暴力运输,高空抛物导致DDR焊球开裂,多见于新设备,设备反复打印DDR SDRAM test ... fail 可直接定位内存故障,需要进行硬件维修。
RAMCHECK Plus Pro is hands-down the most cost-effective tool for testing and identifying high-speed DDR and older 168 pin SDRAM DIMM modules. In fact, RAMCHECK Plus Pro includes features that you would expect to find with test equipment that costs $10,000 or more. ...