const int rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex->id); SDL_assert(rc == 0); It would be nice to dumprchere, like: SDL_assert(rc == 0, "pthread_mutex_lock failed w/e %d: %s", rc, strerror(rc)); Also (may be different issue) mutex lock can fail but app doesn't know for sure. ...
SDL_assert() already prevents "unused variable" warnings.Loading branch information rom1v committed Aug 15, 2018 1 parent 4527be4 commit 359685b Showing 2 changed files with 1 addition and 8 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified app...
DOSBox Staging is a modern continuation of DOSBox with advanced features and current development practices. - Assert an always-true condition in sdlmain · dosbox-staging/dosbox-staging@123fa3a
With the latest revision of SDL3 my application hits a program assert when calling SDL_RenderPresent(). This error message is printed: -[MTLTextureDescriptorInternal validateWithDevice:], line 1357: error 'Texture Descriptor Validation MTLTextureDescriptor has width of zero. MTLTextureDescriptor has ...
DOSBox Staging is a modern continuation of DOSBox with advanced features and current development practices. - Revert "Add an assert to fix a Coverity warning in SDL Sound" · dosbox-staging/dosbox-staging@9f3779f