* -`SDL_INIT_TIMER`: timer subsystem* -`SDL_INIT_AUDIO`: audio subsystem* -`SDL_INIT_VIDEO`: video subsystem; automatically initializes the events*subsystem* -`SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK`: joystick subsystem; automatically initializes the*events subsystem* -`SDL_INIT_HAPTIC`: haptic (force feedback)...
复制 @OverrideprotectedvoidonCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){Log.v(TAG,"Device: "+Build.DEVICE);Log.v(TAG,"Model: "+Build.MODEL);Log.v(TAG,"onCreate()");super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);// Load shared librariesString errorMsgBrokenLib="";try{//加载库loadLibraries();}catch(UnsatisfiedL...
/* Compile with `gcc sdl2_crash.c -g $(pkg-config sdl2 --cflags --libs)` */ #include <SDL.h> int main() { int ret = 1; int sdl_initialized = 0; SDL_Window *window = NULL; SDL_Renderer *renderer = NULL; SDL_Texture *texture = NULL; SDL_Event event; Uint32 *pixels; in...
Some info: Clang version: 17.0.6 SDL version: 3.1.2 (both compiled and linked) I have tried running with SDL_VIDEODRIVER set to both wayland and x11 I have a small skeleton program I compile with: clang -std=c99 -fsanitize=address -I /us...
if((SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO|SDL_INIT_AUDIO)==-1)) { printf("Could not initializeSDL: %s./n",SDL_GetError()); exit(-1); } printf("SDLinitialized./n"); printf("QuitingSDL./n"); /* Shutdown all subsystems */SDL_Quit(); ...
SDL_WINDOWEVENT_NONE,/**< Never used */SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN,/**< Window has been shown */SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIDDEN,/**< Window has been hidden */SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED,/**< Window has been exposed and should be redrawn */SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED,/**< Window has been moved to data1...
not being an official SDL function, the use of X11_KeyToUnicode() is strongly discouraged.) - X11video: fix compilation with libX11 >= (bug 1769.) - X11video: fix for XChangeProperty() crash (bug 1427.) - X11video: fix SDL_EnableUNICODE sometimes dropping keyboard events...
if((SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO|SDL_INIT_AUDIO)==-1)) { printf("Could not initialize SDL: %s./n", SDL_GetError()); exit(-1); } printf("SDL initialized./n"); printf("Quiting SDL./n"); /* Shutdown all subsystems */ SDL_Quit(); ...
So I’ve been fighting the compiler, and it seems it’s default blended optimizations do *NOT* work on my machine.. I’m sure this will be fun down the road. However it seems setting the target cpu to the 21064 produces ok code.. I’ve got to bench the stuff, but at least my ...
The cost of this is that whatever initialisation, whatever setup the SDL team really wanted to happen, now has not happened. They really wanted it to happen. There is now almost certainly something very wrong with your program, and you won't find it until you use something that was really...