🔍 5.2 使用SDL_mixer播放音频 安装SDL_mixer库 参考前文安装SDL_mixer库。 修改main.cpp AI检测代码解析 #include<SDL2/SDL.h>#include<SDL2/SDL_image.h>#include<SDL2/SDL_mixer.h>#include<iostream>constintSCREEN_WIDTH=800;constintSCREEN_HEIGHT=600;intmain(intargc,char*argv[]){if(SDL_Init(S...
解决方法:确保文件路径正确,并检查文件格式是否被SDL_image或SDL_mixer等库支持。例如,加载图像时: 代码语言:txt 复制 SDL_Surface *image = IMG_Load("path/to/image.png"); if (image == NULL) { printf("Unable to load image %s! SDL_image Error: %s\n", "path/to/image.png", IMG_...
对于SDL_ttf,或者SDL_mixer,我们也要做同样的事情。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 boolinit(){//Initialization flagbool success=true;//Initialize SDLif(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)<0){printf("SDL could not initialize! SDL Error: %s\n",SDL_GetError());success=false;}else{/...
无奈只有改链接方式,把mikmod库整个链进SDL_mixer. 整个jni目录的结构大概是这样的: 如果你“去你的!老子编译不过!!!”那么你可以尝试clone https://github.com/alanwoolley/CorsixTH-Android的项目…… 剩下的我不说了=___,=。同志们该怎么用怎么用吧,用不来的话直接去github上clone人家的代码。 ]]></...
○ SDL_mixer○ SDL_net○ SDL_sound○ SDL_TTF然后,你务必得开始小心了,嗯我建议你再一次快照!完成之后,继续按照教程走,在你敲下make之后,你可以休息一下了,因为此时的编译需要很长时间...一段时间后,编译完成,如果你非常幸运没有看到最后输出有error的字样,那你可以继续看下去,否则,你就需要使用之前的快照...
-lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_mixer I have added SDL2.dll to the project directory. I believe I am using right SDL files. I have 64 system and I am using files fromx86_64-w64-mingw32directory. Which should be the right one for 64 system according to several...
自己编译了SDL2的源码,但是不知道去哪里找image库和ttf库,mixer库也没找到,希望楼主给个链接,我找的都是SDL1.2的。。。 深爱computer 高级粉丝 3 gjy_管 初级粉丝 1 借贴问一下,从surface创建texture会有额外的拷贝操作吗? 6919778 初级粉丝 1 http://adolfans.github.com/sdltutorialcn/blog/2013/01/...
SDL2_mixer(optional) SDL2_ttf(optional) To build standalone version: cmake.cmake --build. Following variables may be supplied to CMake to affect build: SDL2PP_WITH_IMAGE- enable SDL_image support (default ON) SDL2PP_WITH_MIXER- enable SDL_mixer support (default ON) ...
You may have noticed that the directory added here is the same from the setting up SDL tutorial. This is because I over wrote the include directory so it has both the headers from SDL 2 and SDL_image/SDL_ttf/SDL_mixer headers are in the same directory. If you did this you can skip...
and for SDL_mixer we'd put:-lSDL2_mixerNow that you have the extension library compiling, it's time to go onto part 2 of the tutorial.Extension Libraries and Loading Other Image Formats Part 2: Loading PNGs with SDL_image分类: SDL2 标签: SDL 2 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信...