if (SDL_PrivateShouldInitSubsystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK)) { if (SDL_JoystickInit() < 0) { return (-1); } } SDL_PrivateSubsystemRefCountIncr(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK); #else return SDL_SetError("SDL not built with joystick support"); #endif } if ((flags & SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER)){ #if !S...
SDL_PrivateSubsystemRefCountIncr(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK); #else return SDL_SetError("SDL not built with joystick support"); #endif } if ((flags & SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER)){ #if !SDL_JOYSTICK_DISABLED if (SDL_PrivateShouldInitSubsystem(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER)) { if (SDL_GameControllerInit() <...
-- Configuring x64-linux CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_execute_required_process.cmake:127 (message): Command failed: /usr/bin/ninja -v Working Directory: /home/denis/vcpkg/buildtrees/imgui/x64-linux-rel/vcpkg-parallel-configure Error code: 1 See logs for more information: /home/deni...
SDL_PrivateSubsystemRefCountIncr(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER); #else return SDL_SetError("SDL not built with joystick support"); #endif } /* Initialize the haptic subsystem */ if ((flags & SDL_INIT_HAPTIC)){ #if !SDL_HAPTIC_DISABLED if (SDL_PrivateShouldInitSubsystem(SDL_INIT_HAPTIC)) { if...
(SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_EVENTS)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); goto fail; } sdl_initialized = 1; window = SDL_CreateWindow( "renderer crash on WSL", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, 128, 64, 0 ); if...
SDL_Init(): 初始化SDL。 SDL_CreateWindow(): 创建窗体(Window)。 SDL_CreateRenderer(): 基于窗体创建渲染器(Render)。 SDL_CreateTexture(): 创建纹理(Texture)。 循环渲染数据: SDL_UpdateTexture(): 设置纹理的数据。 SDL_RenderCopy(): 纹理复制给渲染器。
-- Performing Test HAVE_OPENGLES_V1 - Failed -- Performing Test HAVE_OPENGLES_V2 -- Performing Test HAVE_OPENGLES_V2 - Success -- Checking for modules 'wayland-client;wayland-egl;wayland-cursor;egl;xkbcommon>=0.5.0' -- Found wayland-client, version 1.20.0 ...
}printf("it is a test\n");// Register all formats and codecsav_register_all();//SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_DRIVER, "opengles2");if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_TIMER)) {fprintf(stderr,"Could not initialize SDL - %s\n",SDL_GetError());exit(1); ...
linux system fedora40, #include <SDL2/SDL.h> #include <iostream> const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 800; const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600; int main(int arc, char ** argv) { if (SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO ) < 0) { std::cout << "SDL could not initialize!...
SDL_PrivateSubsystemRefCountIncr(SDL_INIT_HAPTIC);#elsereturnSDL_SetError("SDL not built with haptic (force feedback) support");#endif}return(0); } SDL_InitSubSystem()函数的定义看上去很长,实际上却并不复杂。下面简单阐述一下它的一些关键点: ...