SdkClientException(String message) Creates a new SdkClientException with the specified message. SdkClientException(String message, Throwable t) Creates a new SdkClientException with the specified message, and root cause. SdkClientException(Throwable t) Creates a new SdkClientException with the root ca...
static SdkClientException.Builder builder() static SdkClientException create(String message) static SdkClientException create(String message, Throwable cause) String getMessage() SdkClientException.Builder toBuilder() Create a SdkClientException.Builder initialized with the properties of this SdkClientException....
针对你遇到的com.amazonaws.SdkClientException: Unable to execute HTTP request: PKIX path异常,这个问题通常与SSL/TLS证书验证有关。下面我将根据提供的tips,分点进行详细说明和可能的解决方案: 1. 确认异常完整信息 首先,你需要获取并查看该异常的完整堆栈跟踪信息。这通常可以在你的应用程序日志中找到。完整的异常...
Caused by: Unable to load credentials from any of the providers in the chain AwsCredentialsProviderChain(credentialsProviders=[SystemPropertyCredentialsProvider(), EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider(), WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider(), ProfileCredential...
When I try to connect to my local kinesis streams and list the stream names, I receive SDKClientException: Unable to execute HTTP request: The target server failed to respond and Caused by: org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: The target server failed to respond errors.` My code is as ...
"msg": "判断Bucket是否存在失败,请核对配置信息:[ Failed to send the request: TLS (SSL) negotiation failed]", "data": null } 相关代码与报错信息(请勿发混乱格式) [在这里上传图片] Brother Xiaomu 创建了任务 21天前 Brother Xiaomu 添加了 bu...
oss sdk报ClientException: UnknownHost使用的 aliyun-sdk-oss-2.2.1,本地电脑调试,周1,周3,周4没有任何问题,能正常上传下载文件,但是周2,周5,周6会报下面的exception:com.aliyun.oss.ClientException: UnknownHost at com.aliyun.oss.common.utils.ExceptionFactory.createNetworkException(
Creates a new SdkClientException with the specified message. SdkClientException(Stringmessage,Throwablet) Creates a new SdkClientException with the specified message, and root cause. SdkClientException(Throwablet) Creates a new SdkClientException with the root cause....