[on_turn_error] unhandled error: Operation returned an invalid status code 'Unauthorized' Traceback (most recent call last): File "working_dir\.venv\Lib\site-packages\botbuilder\core\bot_adapter.py", line 174, in run_pipeline return await self._middleware.receive_activity_with_status( ^^^ ...
[10:26:49] [JsonMapper] ToObject<T>(string) Error, object type: WeChatWASM.WXADErrorResponse, json: {"callbackId":"TjZZjmmMeYw2u2c7VgQU","errMsg":"operateWXDataForAd:fail:cgi fail(3,-1)","errCode":"0"} [10:26:49] JsonException: Can't assign value '0' (type System.String...
ErrorResponse clone() boolean equals(Object obj) String getAccountId() The Amazon Web Services account ID of the resource owner. Map<String,String> getAdditionalDetails() Additional details about the error. String getCode() The error code associated with the error. String getMe...
ErrorResponse clone() boolean equals(Object obj) String getAccountId() The Amazon Web Services account ID of the resource owner. Map<String,String> getAdditionalDetails() Additional details about the error. String getCode() The error code associated with the error. String getMessage...
ErrorResponse Hierarchy ErrorResponse Index Properties code desc json_params user_data Properties Optionalcode code:number Defined ininterface/friendshipInterface.ts:258 Optionaldesc desc:String Defined ininterface/friendshipInterface.ts:259 Optionaljson_params...
Java sdkHttpResponse方法属于software.amazon.awssdk.awscore.exception.AwsErrorDetails类。使用说明:返回与错误响应关联的 HTTP 标头映射。本文搜集整理...
Quick BI通过SDK调用仪表板发布为数据服务的接口报错“response: errorCode: OE10010104, errorMsg: signature error” 【问题描述】 数据服务模块将报表发布为API接口,具体配置如下: SDK代码调用的时候,不传递业务参数调用成功,但是给virtual这个参数传值的时候就调用报错:...
node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/http_response.d.ts(14,18): error TS2580: Cannot find name 'Buffer'. Do you need to install type definitions for node? Trynpm i @types/node. I had to follow the instruction below to fix the issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43017736/integrating-aws-sd...
Use of the BLOCKSDK API is subject to the API call rate limit or “request limit”. API token before receiving HTTP 429 "Too Many Requests" throttling error The number of HTTP calls that can be made simultaneously using or within the same minute. This limit extends according to your usage...