2023 Sustainability Report 中 Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE Other ESG disclosures About our report Downloads Overview Performance data Build your own report GRI and HKEX index SDG alignment Glossary DOWNLOADSSDG alignmentThe United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to end poverty,...
报告链接:https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_The_Global_Risks_Report_2024.pdf 2 《世界就业和社会展望:2024年趋势》(World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2024)2024年1月10日 国际劳工组织 女性劳动力市场参与率迅速回升 2023年全球失业率为5.1%,比2022年的5.3%略有改善。2023年,全球就业缺口...
发布者:wx***ac 2023-11-17 22 MB56 页 生态环保 下载地址 资源简介 相关推荐 网友评论 文件列表: 联合国全球契约组织GDI for SDG系列报告——践行全球发展倡议,加速实现可持续发展目标-动力电池碳足迹及低碳循环白皮书-CN.pdf 下载文档 资源简介 >
Because the metals industry has been less likely to report engagement with the SDGs than other sectors, exploring its relationship with the SDGs is essential in accelerating its engagement with these goals. This study examines the relationship between the metals industry and the SDGs by analyzing ...
Eurostat, 2023 Eurostat Sustainable development in the European union Monitoring Report on Progress towards the SDGs in an EU Context (2023rd ed.), Publications Office of the European Union (2023) Google Scholar GCOS UN, 2006 GCOS UN Framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC) Systematic Obs...
Go to report Christof Baron CEO, MindShare Germany Statistics on"United Nations" Organization Funding Peacekeeping missions Perceptions about the UN Various indices Miscellaneous The most important statistics UN global development assistance for health 2021, by branch ...
跟踪可持续发展目标7--能量进展报告2024IRENA_Tracking_SDG7_energy_progress_2024.pdf,TRACKING SDG 7 THE ENERGY PROGRESS REPORT 2024 A joint report of the custodian agencies United Nations Statistics Division © 2024 International Bank for Reconstruction a
Companies report on the steps they have taken towards sustainability and the sustainability aspects of their operations in their ESG sustainability reports. In many cases, their reporting includes information on SDGs, which, like ESG reporting, does not have a standard disclosure meth...