2023 Sustainability Report 中 Introduction Our business SwireTHRIVE Other ESG disclosures About our report Downloads Overview Performance data Build your own report GRI and HKEX index SDG alignment Glossary DOWNLOADSSDG alignmentThe United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to end poverty,...
As of 2020, Tunisia topped the ranking of African countries with the highest Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) index with 67.1 points.
[2]UN STATS 2023:https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/report/2023/ [3]Sustainable Development Report 2023:https://www.sustainabledevelopment.report/reports/sustainable-development-report-2023/ [4]SDG Index Dashboard 2023:https://dashboards.sdgindex.org/profiles/china/indicators [5]National Energy Administ...
Report of Personal Finance Research Centre, University of Bristol. Google Scholar Sarma, M. (2008). Index of financial inclusion. ICRIER Working Paper 215. Google Scholar Sarma, M. (2012). Index of financial inclusion–A measure of financial sector inclusiveness, Working Paper No. 07/2012....
Tracking SDG7: The Energy Progress Report 2023 健康医疗 2023-06-06 胭脂 世界卫生组织 Tracking SDG7: The Energy Progress Report 2023 2023-06-06 世界卫生组织
The approach employed in this paper draws from the structure and methodology of the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) used in the JRC audit of the Environmental Performance Index 2022 (Smallenbroek et al., 2023). The EPI is designed to evaluate environmental sustainability and aggregates into...
The Sustainable Development Goals map out a broad spectrum of objectives. Analytical tools in form of the Index and Dashboards provide a starting point to set national baselines, and allow comparison of the SDGs with other indices of well-being. The Sust
Companies report on the steps they have taken towards sustainability and the sustainability aspects of their operations in their ESG sustainability reports. In many cases, their reporting includes information on SDGs, which, like ESG reporting, does not have a standard disclosure meth...
focus is put on measuring the extent to which welfare institutions (thanks to policies such as working time reduction, universal basic services, and jobs guarantee) are moving away from the dependence on economic growth. As a starting point, we suggest novel measurements such as the index of ...