Curve Number is well developed in USA for the agriculture purpose with many investigations to validate and calibrate the values of curve number. It was applied in numerous river basins in temperate and other regions e.g. US, Argentina, India, China, South Korea, Palestine and Malaysia. However...
The runoff curve number (CN) for irrigated, level-terraced paddy fields was estimated from measured rainfall and runoff data. The CN values were determined from the maximum retention storages at probabilities of 10, 50, and 90%, from a fitted lognormal distribution. The CN values at the ante...
The Curve Number (CN) is a land-cover index for a given land and soil type to determine the amount of rainfall that infiltrates into the ground and the amount that becomes runoff for a specific storm event (USDA, 1986). The hydrological response of watershed is usually altered due to ...
SCS(soilconservationservice)模型 前言 SES(SoilErosionService)1933yrSCS(SoilConservationService)1935yrW.W.Horner/R.E.Horton/L.K.Sherman:径流曲线法(CurveNumberMethod)1936yrVicMockus/L.K.Sherman/R.G.Andrews/H.O.Orgosky1954yrNRCS(NaturalResourcesConservationService)1994yr……前言 从机制而言,...
Runoff curve number (CN) is an integrated parameter in the SCS-CN method, which reflects the effect of soil water content, soil type and land use etc. on runoff depth. But SCS-CN method may result in bad prediction accuracy in China because the values of curve number provided by USDA ...
SCS(soilconservationservice)模型 前言 SES(SoilErosionService)1933yrSCS(SoilConservationService)1935yrW.W.Horner/R.E.Horton/L.K.Sherman:径流曲线法(CurveNumberMethod)1936yrVicMockus/L.K.Sherman/R.G.Andrews/H.O.Orgosky1954yrNRCS(NaturalResourcesConservationService)1994yr……前言 从机制而言,...
Estimating composite curve number using an improved SCS-CN method with remotely sensed variables in Guangzhou, China. Remote Sensing, 5(3), 1425-1438.Fan, Fenglei, Deng, Yingbin, Hu, Xuefei, Weng, Qihao, 2013. Estimating composite curve number using an improved SCS-CN method with remotely ...
【研究进 展】随着科技水平的提高以及人们对水资源保护与利 用的重视,国内外学者提出了多种水文模型,如 SHE 模型[2],VIC 模型[3],SWAT 模型[4-5],新安江模型[6-7], 水箱模型[8],SCS-CN 径流曲线模型等[9],其中 SCS-CN (Soil Conservation Service Curve Number)模型于 20 世纪 50 年代由美国农业部...
摘要:梯田改变了流域下垫面,对降雨径流过程势必产生影响,径流曲线模型(Soil Conservation Service Curve Number,SCS-CN)在中国黄土区,特别是梯田分布广泛流域的适用性仍存争议。为此,该研究以位于甘肃天水的罗玉沟流域为研究对象,利用梯田修建前后2个时段(1985—1990年、2000—2010年)的降雨径流实测资料,分析...
SCS(Soil Conservation Service)模型又称径流曲线数法模型,由美国农业水土保持局于1954年开发,是目前应用最为广泛的产流模型之一[4]。该模型结构简单,仅用径流曲线数CN(Curve Number)就能反应流域特征。中国SCS模型相关文献最早出现于20世纪90年代,南京大学是最早利用SCS模型开展模拟流域研究的机构[5-6],此后的十几年...