The research primarily aims at determining suitable Curve-Number (CN) value for Khowai River basin located in North Tripura, India. The Soil-Conservation-Service-Curve-Number (SCS CN) technique is commonly used for estimating the stormwater runoff of unaged catchment areas. Five land use types (...
表 2 不同下垫面 CN 值拟合方程及取值 Table 2 CN value fitting equation and value of different underlying surfaces 处理 拟合方程式 R2 T1 CN = -0.596P + 91.901 0.833 1 T2 CN = -0.498P + 90.403 0.870 0 T3 CN = -0.684 1P+94.076 0.861 0 T4 CN = -0.883 8P + 96.675 0.882 1 提高到...
[了解SCS-CN降雨径流模型的原理及其在流域管理中的应用] 一个广泛应用的降雨径流模型是SCS-CN (Soil Conservation Service Curve Number) 方法。SCS-CN是由美国农业部土壤保护局(USDA Soil Conservation Service)开发的一种用于估算降雨径流的经验方法,根据流域的土地利用、土壤类型和降雨量来估算径流量,该方法广泛应用...
The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number (CN) method is one of the most popular methods for computing the runoff volume from a rainstorm. It is popular because it is simple, easy to understand and apply, and stable, and accounts for most of the runoff producing watershed characteristi...
1) SCS Curve NumberSCS Curve Number2) SCS Runoff Curve Number Method SCS径流曲线法3) SCS curve SCS曲线4) Curve Number 径流曲线数字法5) SCS 径流曲线数法(SCS法)6) SCS SCS 1. Optimistic Non-repudiation Protocol with Transparent Recovery Based on SCS; 基于SCS方案的透明恢复的优化不可否认协议 ...
library(data.table) exprMatrix <- fread(geoFile, sep = "\t") geneNames <- unname(unlist(exprMatrix[, 1, with = FALSE])) exprMatrix <- as.matrix(exprMatrix[, -1, with = FALSE]) rownames(exprMatrix) <- geneNames exprMatrix <- exprMatrix[unique(rownames(exprMatrix)), ] ...
又称曲线数值法(curvenumber method),是美国农业部水土保持局(SoilConservation Service,SCS)于1954年开发研制的流域水文模型。由 于其简单易行,所需参数较少,对观测数据的要求并不 很严格等特点,而被广泛应用。中国水文学专家学者也 对该模型进行了大量的研究,如史培军 ...
The Curve Number (CN) is a land-cover index for a given land and soil type to determine the amount of rainfall that infiltrates into the ground and the amount that becomes runoff for a specific storm event (USDA, 1986). The hydrological response of watershed is usually altered due to ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (Scs-Cn) Methodology》,作者:,出版社:Sterling Publishing Co Inc。最新《【预订】Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (Scs-Cn) Methodology》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信
[1-5] 1 SCS模型基本原理 SCS 模型 又称曲线数值法 (curve number method ),是美国农业部水土保持局 (Soil Conservation SCS 模型综合考虑了流域降雨、土壤类型、土地利 Service,SCS)于 1954 年开发研制的流域水文模型。由 用方式、前期土壤湿润状况与径流的关系。该模型是在 于其简单易行,所需参数较少,对...