敏捷开发(Agile Development) 是一种以人为核心 、迭代 、循序渐进的开发方法 。 敏捷方法 Extreme Programming (简称XP) 、Scrum 、Crystal Methodologies 、Feature Driven Development( 简称FDD) 、Dynamic Systems Development Methodology( 简称DSDM) 、 Adaptive Software Development( 简称ASD) 、Pragmatic Programming...
这本书是Scrum敏捷软件开发的中文译版英文书名为 Succeeding with Agile:Software Development Using Scrum 作者Mike Cohn 是软件开发项目管理的经典书籍 Scrum2015-02-22 上传大小:55.00MB 所需:33积分/C币 Scrum敏捷软件开发方法 Scrum敏捷软件开发方法 上传者:maozi8848时间:2012-12-10 ...
[Scaling Scrum] 议程 3 Scrum带来的挑战 资源指南 问题回答 快捷软件开发过程速度,适应性和灵活性是现代商业软件开发 的本质 Agile Software Development 在不同... Scrum-Checklists-Chinese 第1 页/共 2 页 评估会议 邀请与会者: 产品负责人 Scrum Master 团队所有成员 组内惯例 留下您自己的笔记 Scrum CHEC...
This immersive hands-on Extreme Programming (XP) training class presents key developer practices from Scrum and Extreme Programming for building higher-quality software faster and with fewer defects. I’ve helped thousands of developers master these prac
Working software over comprehensive documents 客户协作胜过合同谈判. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation 随时应对变化胜过遵循计划. Responding to change over following a plan * 敏捷过程的限制 敏捷软件开发过程包含过程、原则、工具,和最重要的-人 因此 诚信是基础 没有过程能够对诚信进行有效地约束 ...
scrumteamssoftwaredevelopmentpostmortemsscrumworks 26IEEESOFTWAREJuly/August20000740-7459/00/$10.00©2000IEEEcanbeflexibleandadaptableindefiningandapplyinganappropriatevariantofScrum.Thisarticledescribesourexperienceimplementingthisprocess.WhyScrum?AsmembersoftheSoftwareTechnologyGroup,ourgroupisresponsibleforintro-ducing...
Scrum Framework for Software Development This concise eight-hour training course presents the core components of the Scrum Framework that are most relevant to software developers and reveals how to achieve faster, cleaner software development using Scrum. We’ll explore Scrum’s differences from ...
Keywords: Agile Software Development, Scrum, Project Management Methodologies, eXtreme Programming JEL code:M10 Introduction and motivation ... brings a series of interesting findings from an empirical study of Scrum and XP in European embedded softwaresteconomice.uoradea.ro/anale/volume...
SCRUM敏捷项目管理 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 Ken Schwaber,Ken Schwaber codeveloped the Scrum process withJeff Sutherland in the early 1990s and has used it ever since to help organizations struggling with compli- cated development projects. One of the signatories to the Agile Manifesto ...