EmpiricalProcess:经验性过程 Transparency:透明性 InspectandAdapt:检视与调节 Sprint:原意为冲刺,Scrum中Sprint无相应中文翻译,指一种迭代 SprintGoal:Sprint目的 ProductOwner:产品负责人简称PO ScrumMaster:简称SM,普通不翻译 DevelopmentTeam:Scrum开发团队 ScrumTeam:指PO,SM和开发团队 ...
SCRUM敏捷项目管理 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 Ken Schwaber,Ken Schwaber codeveloped the Scrum process withJeff Sutherland in the early 1990s and has used it ever since to help organizations struggling with compli- cated development projects. One of the signatories to the Agile Manifesto ...
Sprint 计划会议(Sprint Planning) Sprint 计划会议通过安排在 Sprint 中要做的工作来启动 Sprint。最终的计划是由整个 Scrum 团队协作创建的。 产品负责人要确保与会者准备好讨论最重要的产品待办列表项 ,以及它们如何映射到产品目标。Scrum 团队还可以邀请其他人参加 Sprint 计划会议以提供建议。 Sprint 计划会议处理...
Use Scrum as a process for effectively implementing software development. Improve stand-ups, stories, backlog, planning, estimation, and retrospectives. Encourage team ownership of code and foster common coding standards. Effectively participate in retrospectives and find small ways to improve. ...
The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring Scrum Process is understood and enacted. Sprint Backlog Compose Product Backlog Based on Oficial Scrum Guide: http://www.scrumguides.org/docs/scrumguide/v1/Scrum-Guide-US.pdf#zoom=100 No . What did I do yesterday that helped the Development Team...
橄榄球中的术语, 解释为: (橄榄球中)扭夺, 并列争球野中郁次郎和竹内弘高,“The New New Product Development Game”, 哈佛商业评论,1986年1月 敏捷方法的诞生 Scrum的历史POSM1 993第一个Scrum团队有Easel公司的Jeff Sutherland组建。1 996”Scrum Development Process” 由 Ken Schwaber 发布。1 998”Scrum, ...
Scmm方法的研究与分析+ 张智海周国祥 台肥工业大学计算机与信息学院,安徽台肥230009 摘要:随着时代的发展,软件开发过程中需求变化的速度越来迪快,如何皿..
, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value. Scrum is: Lightweight Simple to understand Difficult to master Scrum is a process framework that has been used to manage complex product development since the early 1990s. Scrum is not a process...
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Agile tools support the core Agile methods—Scrum and Kanban—used by software development teams today. Learn more: About Agile tools and Agile project management.BugsA type of work item that records a potential source of dissatisfaction with the product. The common name of a work item type ...