- Fixed compatibility with latest Trello release. Scrum for Trello is working again! ** Update Sep 4, 2012 ** - Added a nice feature contributed by Cedric Gatay: One thing we use often is surrounding points of done tasks with [] to prevent them for being counted by the plugin in the...
Scrum for Trello is working again!** Update Sep 4, 2012 **- Added a nice feature contributed by Cedric Gatay:One thing we use often is surrounding points of done tasks with [] to prevent them for being counted by the plugin in the list total.This contain the ability to display such ...
There are many open source implementations of the Agile planning poker practice. I have decided to present only those who have also an online website or that are built as a plugin for another application like Slack, Jira, Trello, Discord or the Azure Boards. If a good tool is missing from...
foriteminproduct_backlog: print(f{item[name]}的优先级为{item[priority]}) 通过这个函数,我们可以根据需求的紧急程度或业务价值,动态地调整需求在产品待办事项列表中的位置,确保团队始终关注最重要的工作。 20.5利用敏捷工具 现代敏捷开发中,利用敏捷工具如Jira、Trello或AzureDevOps等,可以极大地提高需求管理的效率...
Scrum is facilitated by a Scrum Master, who is accountable for removing impediments to the ability of the team to deliver the sprint goal/deliverables. The Scrum Master is not the team leader, but acts as a buffer between the team and any distracting influences. The Scrum Master ensures that...