Trello板的敏捷SCRUM通过启用SCRUM功能为Trello板提供超能力: 故事要点:设置Trello卡的故事点 时间花费:设置在任务上花费的时间。 标记:将卡片分组为标记,用户故事或项目,它们会自动上色,以节省您的时间。 进度条:通过卡片和列表上的背景进度条,可以立即可视化Sprint进度。 标题分隔符:使用标题分隔符可将列表中的卡片...
Collaborate & Develop software the Agile way with an array of tools to make it rewarding and fun. Gear up your team & optimize all stages of Agile Software Development
Miro's all-in-one tool will supercharge your Agile process, from virtual scrum boards to integrations with Jira and more. Try it today for free!
开发团队(DevelopmentTeam):负责实际的产品开发工作,团队成员应具备跨功能技能,能够自我组织和管理。 Scrum的关键活动包括: Sprint:一个固定时间周期(通常为2-4周),团队在此期间完成预定的工作量。 Sprint计划会议(SprintPlanning):团队和产品负责人一起确定Sprint的目标和待办事项列表。
We follow Agile Software Development Process to ensure quality work delivered in promised time using effective Project Management & effective communication.
The offline & original crx file ofAgile SCRUM for Trello boards v1.4.7was fully archived from the web store server and is for home or personal use only. You could learn more about theAgile SCRUM for Trello boardsor proceed to install it to your web browser....
Agile is the concept and Scrum is the methodology. Atlassian has a great definition. Agile is an iterative approach to project management and software development that helps teams deliver value to their customers faster and with fewer headaches. Instead of betting everything on a "big bang" launc...
Jira continues to dominate as one of the most popular agile project management tools, offering comprehensive features tailored for Scrum and Kanban. Its powerful customization options, robust reporting, and seamless integration with other development tools make it a top pick for agile teams. With its...
Scrumis aframework that is used to implement Agile development. A good analogy would be the difference between a recipe and a diet. A vegetarian diet is a set of methods and practices based on principles and values. A recipe for chickpea tacos would be a framework you can use to implement...
通过使用Jira这样的敏捷项目管理工具,团队可以更有效地应用敏捷开发方法,提高项目的成功率和客户满意度。#Scrum框架详解 3Scrum角色介绍 Scrum框架中定义了三个关键角色:产品负责人(ProductOwner),ScrumMaster,和开发团队(DevelopmentTeam)。 3.1产品负责人(ProductOwner) ...