共同签署并发布了「敏捷软件开发宣言 Manifesto for Agile Software Development 」,即「敏捷宣言」。
网络敏捷开发;敏捷开发经验;敏捷软件开发 复数:scrums现在分词:scrumming过去式:scrummed 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 scrum 显示所有例句 n. 1. (橄榄球的)并列争球a part of a rugby game when players from both sides link themselves together in a group, with their heads down, and push against ...
Designing a video game also tends to be a lot harder due to the complex interactions between the objects and the end users. The same is true when it comes to testing video games. Whereas other software developers can get away with functional and meeting all the requirements, in due time, ...
1986年,Scrum首次应用于产品开发,竹内弘高和野中郁次郎在 《The New New Product Development Game》文章首次提到将Scrum应用于产品开发。 1993年,Jeff Sutherland在首次在Easel公司定义了用于了软件开发行业的Scrum流程,并开始实施。1995年,Jeff Sutherland和Ken Schwaber规范化了Scrum框架,并在OOPSLA 95上公开发布。
Drawing on this unparalleled expertise, he shows how teams can use Scrum to deliver games more efficiently, rapidly, and cost-effectively; craft games that offer more entertainment value; and make life more fulfilling for development teams at the same time. You'll learn to form successful agile...
孙哥:三叫TDD-Test driven development,测试驱动开发。即通过测试来推动整个开发的进行,有助于编写简洁...
Initiatives that address specific areas of interest in the Agile Community and provide support for Local Community Groups Scrum Alliance Scrum Alliance® 创建于 2001 年,是敏捷领域中非常具有影响力的认证组织。官网是:404 ErrorScrum 技能的相关培训、认证等。制定和维护 SCRUM 认证体系。自 2018 年起,最新...
Risk-First Software Development practicemetricsriskscrumsoftware-engineeringsoftware-developmentrisk-managementextreme-programminglean-software-managementrisk-modellingmethodologiesmenagerie UpdatedDec 18, 2024 JavaScript 📋 Android client for nextcloud deck app ...
2001年2月11-13日:在美国犹他州瓦萨奇山的雪鸟滑雪度假村,17位从事软件开发或者帮助他人从事软件开发的人相聚一堂,以在他们各自不同的软件开发方法中寻找共识。此次会议的产物就是敏捷软件开发宣言(Manifesto for Agile Software Development)。后来几位会议成员继续合作,成立了敏捷联盟(Agile Alliance) ...