于是又查阅 Wiki 的解释: Scrumis an iterative and incrementalagile software developmentmethodology for managing product development. It defines "a flexible,holisticproduct development strategy where a development team works as a unit to reach a common goal", challenges assumptions of the "traditional, s...
Scrum 团队由一名产品负责人、开发团队和一名 Scrum Master 组成。Scrum 团队是跨职能的自组织团队。自组...
and Wind, S. (2011) Adoption of SCRUM for Software Development Projects: An Exploratory Case Study from the ICT industry, Proceedings of the Seventeenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 4-7, Detroit, USA.Schrodl, H., Wind, S.: Adoption of SCRUM for Software Development ...
由Ken Schwaber和 Jeff Sutherland 提出,旨在寻求充分发挥面向对象和构件技术的开发方法,是对迭代式面向对象方法的改进,名称来自英式橄榄球(在比赛中每个队员都应时刻保持对场上全局的判断,然后通过集体行动,奋力实现同一目标──胜利)。SCRUM方法最初实践于Easel公司(1993年),现已被数十家公司数百个项目开发中应用,适...
These variables form the initial plan for a software enhancement project. However, these variables also change during the project. A successful development methodology must take these variables and their evolutionary nature into account. 这些因素形成了改进软件项目的最初方案。然而,这些因素是随着项目的进行...
[10] Edison H , Wang X , Conboy K .Comparing Methods for Large-Scale Agile Software Development: A Systematic Literature Review[J].IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , 2021, 1: 1. [11] Inayat I , Salim S S , Marc...
Extreme Programming for Software Development This immersive, twenty-four-hour, hands-on software developer training course presents key developer practices from Extreme Programming (XP) that will enable you to build higher-quality software more rapidly and with fewer defects and make you a more valuabl...
Axosoft is Scrum software for development teams. Get started doing Scrum, kanban or a hybrid with our agile project management software.
MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0 是以 Scrum 為基礎。 因此,您的小組可以使用與核心開發活動整合的工具,藉以採用 Scrum。展開表格 本主題內容 準備專案 規劃專案 規劃期程 執行期程 追蹤專案 準備專案開始進行專案之前,請先執行下列工作:建立商務案例 召集小組 設定小組的基礎結構 ...
MSF for Agile Software Development 5.0 版是基于 Scrum 的。 因此,您的团队可通过使用与您的核心开发活动集成的工具来采用 Scrum。 展开表 主题内容 准备项目 规划项目 规划冲刺 (sprint) 运行冲刺 (sprint) 跟踪项目 准备项目 在开始项目之前,应执行以下任务: ...