Scrum & Agile Planning ( Scrum、敏捷開發及規畫 ) 開始實作 概觀 概觀 展開資料表 簡介 開始實作 (Hands-on Lab) 使用工具:Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate / Team Foundation Server 2012 適合對象:研發主管、專案主管及所有開發人員 學習重點:告訴你什麼是 Scrum 敏捷開發,並讓開發團隊持續交付價值,...
However, using SCRUM in software projects contributes to management, but it does not describe the development process; Due to the agile eXtreme Programming (XP) methodology, this process is provided in detail. This article focuses on the analysis of a large amount of research related to these ...
Agile is an umbrella term for a set of methods and practices based on the values and principles expressed in the Agile Manifesto that is a way of thinking that enables teams and businesses to innovate, quickly respond to changing demand, while mitigating risk. Organizations can be agile using ...
complete failure in another. And that’s the whole idea of Agile: Be flexible when you can and experiment with different approaches until you find the one that fits you best. For example, some Agile experts considerpair programminga harmful practice because it stretches delivery time by15-60...
四、谁要不服,抡起Agile和Scrum大棒就砸。 哦,还有最最重要的一点,特补充于后: 一定要多拍照片发网上(包括但不仅限于站着开会的码农、白板上的纸条、俩头凑一块儿pair programming、没有工位通铺似的Office、或者team一起开香槟最次也得举个啤酒杯) 切记,切记。 编辑于 2014-10-14 14:14 赞同51...
Scrum Pattern in Pattern Languages of ProgrammingDesign, Volume 4. 2000 Sutherland goes to PatientKeeper as CTO. Ken works with him to bring up Scrum atPatientKeeper. Sutherland evolves Type C Scrum.2001Agile Manifesto meeting: Ken, Jeff, and Mike Beedle represent Scrum as signatories. Agile ...
Agile is the software development methodology that focuses on customer satisfaction by delivery shippable software frequently. Scrum is one of the many approaches to implement Agile. Scrum is suitable for certain type of projects where there are rapidly changing requirements. (敏捷是一种软件开发方法,它...
Scrum is the most popular of agile methods, and is sometimes consumed with agile itself. However, it is its own method, but it often is customized in some way to accommodate needs of specific project situations. It can easily be combined with some other methods, such as Extreme Programming ...
Every team can experiment with pair programming and determine when it's appropriate for them and their project. It's quite possible that it's not 100 percent of the time, but it's even more likely that it's not 0 percent. Getting started with agile and Scrum ...