最早由Jeff Sutherland提出的,他是Scrum创始人之一,同时也是敏捷宣言的签署者之一。 “Agile Can Scale: Inventing and reinventing SCRUM in Five Companies” 有些团队变得“超级高效”,这是Scrum团队的一种状态,Jeff Sutherland称,这种状态的团队效率要高出4到5倍 Scrum of Scrums提供了一种非常简单而优雅的Scrum...
Scrum 板 Scrum Board 它是一种用于管理产品代办事项列表和冲刺代办事项列表的信息发射源它能显示工作流及其瓶颈 Scrum 主管\敏捷教练 Scrum Master 它是指开发团队的教练和 Scrum框架中的产品负责人其负责消除障碍促进富有成效的事件并保护团队免受干扰另请参见工作流主管 Scrum of Scrums它是指一种多个团队围绕同一...
不卖关子啦,其实这个SOS就是大家都知道的Scrum of Scrums:在Team的每日站会之后,PMO再开一个站会。 哈啰Scrum of Scrums 白板 板上每帖子代表需要关注的事项。红色、黄色、绿色分别对应高、中、低不同的优先级。 在SOS会上,PMO重点关注需要跨团队协调的事项。对已经有可能影响交付的重要事项,跟进以及推动解决,从...
Scrum of Scrums is a technique that enables the effective synchronization among interrelated teams. Each team designates a representative, often the scrum master, to participate in the scrum of scrums events, and to ensure that the teams are coordinated and synchronized. The scrum of scrums ...
不卖关子啦,其实这个SOS就是大家都知道的Scrum of Scrums:在Team的每日站会之后,PMO再开一个站会。 板上每帖子代表需要关注的事项。红色、黄色、绿色分别对应高、中、低不同的优先级。 在SOS会上,PMO重点关注需要跨团队协调的事项。对已经有可能影响交付的重要事项,跟进以及推动解决,从而确保团队迭代的整体交付。
Eventually, we discontinued the Scrum of Scrums all together. The work of managing cross-team dependencies fell on the ScrumMasters to coordinate between the Scrum teams. The ScrumMasters coordinate cross-team dependencies with other teams while grooming stories for upcoming sprints. While the Scrum...
23. What is the Scrum of Scrums? Scrum of Scrums, sometimes called SoS, is a scaled Agile technique that helps multiple teams work together to deliver complex products. The technique splits up a large group (more than a dozen members) into smaller units of five to 10 members. ...
In a nutshell, Scrum is a way to manage work on any project that aims to quickly create something new, complex, and somewhat ambiguous.Scrum happens in a repeating inspect and adapt loop (iteration or sprint) that starts with sprint planning, has daily scrums, and ends with a sprint ...
² 大型团队的Scrum实施 u 产品负责人团队 u 多Scrum团队的Sprint计划会议 u Scrum of Scrums 进行沟通和协作 ² 角色转换 u 分析员 u 项目经理 u 架构师 u 职能经理 u 程序员 u 测试员 u 角色转换的共同挑战 ² Scrum导入模式 u 成立实施推进小组 u ETC职责 u 改善计划的Backlog示例 u 制定Backlog...
From Self-organize to Self-manage:“Scrum Team is self-managing, meaning they internally decide who does what, when, and how.” This change in term is a way of calling out that more empowered your Scrum Team is, the better their chances of success.Read more. ...