The Scrum framework consists of the Scrum teams with associatedScrumRoles, Scrum Ceremonies/Events, Artifacts scrum, and Scrum rules. Each component within this framework has specific grounds and is a key factor to Scrum’s success, whereas the Scrum rules tie the ceremonies, roles, and artifacts...
Scrum拥有轻量级的,易于理解却难以精通的特性。通过一些规则,将scrum中的role、events、artifacts串联在一起。其中每个部分都具有其存在的特定的目的,并且对于成功运用scrum是至关重要的。 Scrum是基于经验过程控制理论(empirical process control theory, 简称 empiricism)。采用迭代和增量式的方法来优化对未来的预测和控制...
Six Scrum Activities/Events Scrum六大活动/事件 1.Backlog refinement– This meeting entails updating the backlog.待办事项细化细化—这个会议,需要更新待办事项的列表。2.Sprint planning meeting– This meeting is for reviewing the backlog, ensuring common understanding, and the development team setting spri...
迭代评审会议(Sprint Review Meeting):在迭代周期结束时,开发团队向产品负责人及所有干系人进行演示,并接受反馈。 3 种工件(Artifacts) 产品待办列表(Product Backlog):这是一个 Product Owner 想要交付的产品功能列表。 Product Owner 负责维护该列表,并且列表项按照交付优先级进行排序。 冲刺待办列表(Sprint Backlog...
The product backlog is a prioritized order, and that creates focus on what is most important thing to do next. Time-boxed sprint events create a sense of urgency and help us focus on the purpose of the event. The Scrum events and artifacts help create focus on inspecting progress and new...
2. Scrum 的三个工件(3 Artifacts)产品待办列表(Product Backlog)产品待办列表是一个有序的需求列表...
3.2 Scrum Artifacts Scrum工件有助于管理工作: 3.2.1 Product Backlog:一个紧急的、有序的列表,列出改进产品所需要的东西,包括产品目标。 Commitment: Product Goal 为了计划每个sprint要完成的工作,团队需要对产品的总体目标有一个想法。每个团队在其生命周期中可能有多个产品目标,但每次只能有一个。
And because of the way scrum is designed, your teams will constantly be reflecting how things are going and can make small or large adjustments to the plans, according to the winds of change. By adhering to scrum artifacts and events, your plans are far less likely to fail.Everyone in ...
In conclusion empiricism and the three pillars are not just important to the Scrum process they’re the foundation of it. It is how your team achieves continuous improvement both in the products you create and in the processes you use for your team. The roles, events and artifacts only work...
SCRUM是一种用于开发创新产品和服务的敏捷方式。创始人为Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland developed Scrum。 Scrum由roles, events, artifacts, and rules组成。 敏捷宣言: 个体和互动 高于 流程和工具 工作的软件 高于 详尽的文档 客户合作 高于 合同谈判