Scrum suggests three roles: the team, Scrum Master, and product owner; four ceremonies: the sprint planning meeting, Daily Scrum, sprint review meeting, and sprint retrospective meeting; and three artifacts: the product increment, product backlog, and sprint backlog as shown in the Figure: The...
什么是Scrum Ceremonies? Scrum processes are distinguished from other agile processes by specific concepts and practices, and are classified into roles, rituals (also called events or meetings) and artifacts. (Scrum流程通过特定的概念和实践与其他敏捷流程区别开来,并分为角色、仪式(也称为...
什么是Scrum Ceremonies? Scrum processes are distinguished from other agile processes by specific concepts and practices, and are classified into roles, rituals (also called events or meetings) and artifacts. (Scrum流程通过特定的概念和实践与其他敏捷流程区别开来,并分为角色、仪式(也称为...
Scrum工件 (Scrum Artifacts) 工件只是提供项目详细信息的物理记录。Scrum工件包括Product Backlog,Sprint Backlog和Product Increments。 该产品Backlog是特征,缺陷或技术工作,目前尚未要工作优先级列表。从产品所有者的角度来看,它应该是被认为有价值的工作。 随着产品需求的变化和发展,产品负责人和团队的其他成员一起审...
This is one of the most common scrum interview questions. Scrum has a defined set of guidelines, ceremonies and artifacts, but it’s also a flexible methodology that allows scrum masters to apply their unique touch while guiding teams through the process of implementing scrum. This open-ended ...
It was nineteen ninety-something and I somehow got talked into working for a wild and crazy wrestling outfit. OK, that's a bit of a fib. I love studio wrestling and always have. One of my earliest memories was my grandfather (shown in Figure 5-1) swearing at the television in Italian...
什么是Scrum Ceremonies? Scrum processes are distinguished from other agile processes by specific concepts and practices, and are classified into roles, rituals (also called events or meetings) and artifacts. (Scrum流程通过特定的概念和实践与其他敏捷流程区别开来,并分为角色、仪式(也称为事件或会议)和工...
A scrum project typically consists of a number of sprints and each Sprint typically lasts between 2 to 4 weeks. The key elements of Scrum are: Scrum Roles, Artifacts, and Ceremonies and together with some guidelines and rules. To start a Scrum project, the Product Owner creates and ...
This article gives you a general overview of Scrum Framework in a nutshell, which covers all the key concept of scrum and Agile development including scrum roles, artifacts, ceremonies, values and rules. (本文简单介绍了 scrum 框架的一般概述, 其中涵盖了 scrum 和敏捷开发的所有关键概念, 包括 scrum...
3. What is the role of Scrum Master, Product Owner and Scrum Team in the Scrum process? 4. What kind of Agile frameworks besides Scrum do you know? 5. What are the artifacts in Scrum? What are the Scrum ceremonies? 6. How do you understand ‘Self-organizing’ concept in Scrum? 7....