While I can still maneuver by using page-down and the scroll wheel, what is most natural to me is to click on the scroll bar. Is it something I'm doing wrong, or it is a feature rather than a bug? Votes 1 Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply J. M. S. Pa...
Also, left-clicking everywhere over the scrollbar is not scrolling (the correct behavior is to scroll up to the click position immediately). The only way to scroll immediately on click is to use the right click. No problem scrolling using mouse scroll wheel, or clicking over the minimap. ...
I have set back wheelXXX to scroll-XXX and now I understand better my original problem: using the scrollbar is the only scrolling function that does not (yet?) keep the cursor in view. Do you think there could be a way to change this ?
in infinite scrolling web site user scroll down and data gets load and scroll bar again goes little up. so when there is no more content to load the scroll bar stick to bottom position of browser control. How can i know that scroll bar stick to bottom or goes little up ? please tell ...
In Windows 11/10 the default scroll value for the Mouse wheel is automatically set to 3. If you want to increase or fine-tune the speed of the mouse scrolling to make things easier for you, it should be configured the way you just like it. Let’s see how can you can increase, slow...
Is there any way to make the program function in the opposite direction? That is, if I move the trackball down, it will scroll up? Primož August 12, 2019 at 08:39 Yes, open the project in visual studio. Search for wheel up and wheel down and switch them. Jerry Diamond August...
To scroll up you use a positive value and to scroll down you use a negative value of the wheel clicks * 120. If you are using the SendInput API then you set the mouseData of the MOUSEINPUT structure to this value. I used a timer to call the sub in this example just so i didn`...
Scrolling will not work the way you want. The scroll container works with the mouse wheel, but does not work with swype. You must implement the functionality of swype in the code. var swype = false var swypePoint = null var swypeDX = 0 ...
Just wanted to chime in that I'm having the exact same issue as others have stated. My luts are in the correct folder but I can't scroll with my mouse wheel like I did with older Premiere's versions. It's been doing this since I'm on 2019 CC. This is annoying and make the w...
The problem In Access versions prior to v2007, when you use the mouse scroll wheel on a form, Access will always cycle through the current records in your forms dataset. This is quite an annoyance when you might not want this behaviour, and Microsoft never offered a simple solution...