I've noticed that if I scroll on my other spreadsheets, it scrolls properly at 3 rows exactly per one movement of the mouse wheel. I'm not sure what is making this spreadsheet different than the others. I use this one every day though and it's big with multiple tabs. O...
Here are the steps on how to fix Excel scrolling not working on Windows: 1. Check mouse and touchpad settings. Make sure that your mouse or touchpad is enabled and that the scroll wheel is working properly. You can also try adjusting the mouse or touchpad settings to see if that helps. ...
Also Read:Fix Mouse Wheel Not Scrolling Properly Method 2: On Mouse If you are using a mouse for navigating the Windows 10 pages, you have to tweak some registry keys to enable Windows 10 reverse scroll. That is, there will not be a default option in the settings, but you will be abl...
If your mouse wheel is zooming instead of scrolling on your PC, the solutions explained in this article are sure to help you fix the problem.
iMac, logitech mouse: alt+scroll works with scroll wheel iMac, magic trackpad: alt+two fingerscroll doesn't work Running 10.8.4 on both macs. Pretty huge bug to overlook. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Follow Report More Reply ryannas New Here , /t5/...
The large jump in your first example feels like a case where there is some transform applied to the screen or scrollable that is not applied to the scroll delta, since the jump is so large. In general a mouse wheel does not give perfectly precise scrolling unless you toggle the drag scrol...
In the Composition panel, when using a scroll input (either a physical scroll wheel/ball or a gesture), the input is mapped 1:1 from the scroll device to the zoom control in the lower-left corner of the panel. For example, rotating a scroll wheel one "click" res...
If you find that your Apple mouse is not scrolling, don’t panic. There are a number of possible reasons and several solutions. Follow the steps above in order to identify the cause of the problem and fix it. It should be working properly again in no time. ...
The wheel is sticking while scrolling and sometimes not responding at all when I move the button up and down. Battery is fully charged and device is reported as working properly with no updates to driver. Is there a fix for this because was not doing this earlier this year? Thank you :...
Sometimes, erratic mouse scrolling—such asjumping too many lines at once or not scrolling enough—can be caused by incorrect settings in Windows. These settings control how the scroll wheel behaves and are easily adjustable to suit your preferences. Here's how to access them: PressWin + Sto ...