==containerScrollWidth;//计算 native scrollbar 的 heightlet scrollbarHeight = containerSize.offset.height - containerSize.border.block -containerSize.client.height;//因为我们会 hide native scrollbar,//所以第一次可以拿到 scrollbar height 但是第二次可能就拿不到了//所以我们需要把 scrollbar height ...
::-webkit-scrollbar-button --- 滚动条两端的按钮 ::-webkit-scrollbar-track --- 外层轨道 ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece --- 内层轨道,滚动条中间部分(除去) ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb --- 滚动条里面可以拖动的那个 ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner --- 边角 ::-webkit-resizer --- 定义右下角拖...
::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece:start { /* Select the top half (or left half) or scrollbar track individually */ } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:window-inactive { /* Select the thumb when the browser window isn't in focus */ } ::-webkit-scrollbar-button:horizontal:decrement:hover { /*...
::-webkit-resizer 当元素设置为可拖动时(resize: horizontal | vertical | both),元素底角会出现可调整元素大小的滑块。 eg:设置调整元素大小的滑块背景色. .box{resize:horizontal;}.box::-webkit-resizer{background-color:rgb(242,5,151);} ::webkit-scrollbar-button 设置滚动条两端的上下(左右)滚动按钮(...
CSS滚动条选择器 你可以使用以下伪元素选择器去修改各式webkit浏览器的滚动条样式: ::-webkit-scrollbar— 整个滚动条. ::-webkit-scrollbar-button— 滚动条上的按钮 (上下箭头). ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb— 滚动条上的滚动滑块. ::-webkit-scrollbar-track— 滚动条轨道. ...
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner边角 ::-webkit-resizer定义右下角拖动块的样式 如图所示: 上面是滚动条的主要几个设置属性,还有更详尽的CSS属性 :horizontal水平方向的滚动条 :vertical垂直 方向的滚动条 :decrement应用于按钮和内层轨道(track piece)。它用来指示按钮或者内层轨道是否会减小视窗的位置(比如,垂直滚动条的...
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner 边角,即两个滚动条的交汇处 ::-webkit-resizer 两个滚动条的交汇处上用于通过拖动调整元素大小的小控件 两个“::”和一个“:”在css3中主要用来区分伪类和伪元素 :horizontal //horizontal伪类适用于任何水平方向上的滚动条 ...
{background:darkgreen;}Scrollbars using -webkit-scrollbarThis block includes a large amount of content to demonstrate how scrollbars work when there is an overflow within an element box. They consist of vertical or horizontal bars with a draggable thumb, enabling users to move content up and ...
/* 水平滚动条 */ QScrollBar:horizontal { background: url(images/scrollbar-horizontal-bg.png); height: 9px; margin: 0px 0 0px 0; } QScrollBar::handle:horizontal { background: rgb(195, 195, 195); min-width: 20px; margin: 2px 0px 1px 0px; border-radius: 3px; border: none; ...
The scrollbar has strange behaviour when viewed on mac (0Sx 10.8.2) here is aYour text to link here…it appears when I’m scrolling, but doesn’t move. Also it is unpractical, I would not mind having it as a horizontal scrollbar, but vertical?