If i filter a column with the scrollbar shifted and the result produce at least one row, i show correcly the result Now, if i change the filter obtaining no row result the grid is correcly empty and horizontal scrollbar disappear Now, if i restore the previous...
InsideHorizontalBorder InsideVerticalBorder IsLegalNumberingStyle Italic ItalicComplexScript Justification JustificationValues KeepLines KeepNext Kern Kinsoku LanguageId Languages LanguageType LastRenderedPageBreak LatentStyleExceptionInfo LatentStyles LayoutRawTableWidth LayoutTableRowsApart LeftBorder LeftMargin LeftMa...
InsideHorizontalBorder InsideVerticalBorder IsLegalNumberingStyle 斜体 ItalicComplexScript Justification JustificationValues KeepLines KeepNext 科恩 Kinsoku LanguageId 语言 LanguageType LastRenderedPageBreak LatentStyleExceptionInfo LatentStyles LayoutRawTableWidth ...
The sidescroller extension (not included by default) makes a horizontal carousel-like component of an overflow area. This provides you with carousel-like functionality, built on a system of tiered fallbacks. The Sidescroller area’s child elements can be fixed-width ...
InsideHorizontalBorder InsideVerticalBorder IsLegalNumberingStyle Italic ItalicComplexScript Justification JustificationValues KeepLines KeepNext Kern Kinsoku LanguageId Languages LanguageType LastRenderedPageBreak LatentStyleExceptionInfo LatentStyles LayoutRawTableWidth LayoutTableRowsApart LeftBorder LeftMargin LeftMa...
HorizontalScrollBar HorizontalScrollViewer HorizontalSlicers HotReload HotSpot HoverMenu HPCPerformanceSessionWizard HTMLDesignView HTMLEndTag HTMLError HTMLFile HTMLTag HTMLTagBDI HTMLTagBDO HTMLTagBR HTMLTagComment HTTPConnection HTTPSend 集線器 HubPageTemplate HyperLink HyperlinkBack HyperlinkFollow Hyperlin...
Direction that the Sortable should sort in. Can be set to'vertical','horizontal', or a function, which will be called whenever a target is dragged over. Must return'vertical'or'horizontal'. Read more:https://github.com/SortableJS/Sortable/wiki/Swap-Thresholds-and-Direction#direction ...
showHorizontalScrollbar showImage ShowImportExportValidationErrors showInFieldList showInkAnnotation showInputMessage showInRibbon showItemImage showItemLabel showItems showLabel showLastColumn showMasterPhAnim showMasterSp showMemberPropertyTips showMissing showMultipleLabel showNarration showObjects showOutlineIcon...
QSlider::handle:horizontal { background: QRadialGradient(cx:0, cy:0, radius:1, fx:0.5, fy:0.5, stop:0white, stop:1green); width:16px; height:16px; margin:-5px6px-5px6px; border-radius:11px; border:3px solid#ffffff;}
maxRows max-rows If the content reaches this number of rows, the scrollbar will show up. Applies only when the autoGrow is true. number undefined maxlength maxlength The same as in the native <textarea> number undefined minlength minlength The same as in the native <textarea> number undefined...