library(scRNAseq) fluidigm <- ReprocessedFluidigmData() fluidigm 这个包 里面的全部数据集如下; [1] "AztekinTailData()" "BachMammaryData()" "BaronPancreasData('human')" [4] "BaronPancreasData('mouse')" "BuettnerESCData()" "CampbellBrainData()" [7] "ChenBrainData()" "GrunHSCData()" "...
library(scRNAseq) fluidigm <- ReprocessedFluidigmData() fluidigm 这个包 里面的全部数据集如下; [1] "AztekinTailData()" "BachMammaryData()" "BaronPancreasData('human')" [4] "BaronPancreasData('mouse')" "BuettnerESCData()" "CampbellBrainData()" [7] "ChenBrainData()" "GrunHSCData()" "...
Finally we demonstrate the ability to merge mouse embryo datasets produced using different protocols by different research groups using only the combination of feature selection and library size normalization.doi:10.1101/065094T. AndrewsM. Hemberg
With the advance in single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) technology, deriving inherent biological system information from expression profiles at a single-cell resolution has become possible. It has been known that network modeling by estimating the ass
The landscape of alternative polyadenylation in single cells of the developing mouse embryo. Nat. Commun. 12, 5101 (2021). Article ADS CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Zhu, S. et al. scAPAdb: a comprehensive database of alternative polyadenylation at single-cell resolution. Nucleic ...
(scRNA-seq) was employed to identify external signals that regulate transcriptional states in HSCs and, to uncover their heterogeneity state42,43,44,45. Similarly, it was possible to compare mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) residing in various tissues, including brain, UCB, adipose tissue, and ...
Genomic DNA was isolated from a single whole embryo in its chorion at 24 hpf according to the HotSHOT method.139 In brief, an individual embryo was transferred to a PCR tube containing 50 μL of 50 mM NaOH, followed by 10 min incubation at 95°C and ice-cooling. The solution was then...
Mapping the mouse cell atlas by Microwell-Seq. Cell 172, 1091–1107 (2018). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Rosenberg, A. B. et al. Single-cell profiling of the developing mouse brain and spinal cord with split-pool barcoding. Science 360, 176–182 (2018). Article CAS PubMed Pub...
单细胞Plus是结合单细胞转录组测序(scRNA-seq)与单细胞核转录组测序(snRNA-seq),兼顾两者优势,相得益彰,从而揭示更系统全面、深入精准的生物学机制的研究方法。下面通过几个典型文献案例来为您揭晓其中的缘由与奥秘。 生命现象的本质是复杂的细胞互作网络,类型各异的细胞相互通讯并执行特定功能,从而展现出丰富多彩的生...