When you're thinking through options of Bible quotes for aceremony homilyorreading, scriptures on unity are a great place to start. Your marriage is all about a new partnership so why not infuse the nuptials with some Bible verses about family unity? Wondering "What is a good Bible verse ...
Tragically, it was too late for him to tell them or anyone about Jesus. Living in the last days gives us time to lead others to Christ before it’s too late. It offers us the opportunity to focus on the eternal destiny of our friends, family, and neighbors. God calls us to reach ...
So, for those days when things feel upside down, hopeless, or just completely non-stop, here are 25 scriptures to help you focus your mind on and return to the experience His shalom truly brings: peace in the storms of life. 25 Scriptures for When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed “Finally, ...
It’s very common for one who has been harmed to respond positively to this question. I might say,“But look at your arm. Metaphorically speaking, do you see the huge infected wound on your arm from the harm he inflicted on you? Do you see that you still need to get help for that?
You might say this is impossible, but remember: The Spirit transformed a Christian-persecuting zealot into the greatest advocate and apologist for the Christian movement in history (Acts 9). He transformed a Gentile-rejecting Jew into a missionary to a Roman centurion and his family (Acts 10)....
By being thankful. Humans should do good and properly enjoy the good fruits of all their labor.Solomon also wrote:14 I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, And nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him. ...
(Matt. 25:10–12), but from a family whose head has waited as long as possible for a return of the members of the family wandering about outside; who now, when the time of waiting has expired, inexorably refuses to admit them. Observe the striking climax: first, standing some time ...
Thankful for My Friend (flowers)Thanks For Thanksgiving (cottage) *Special People (Fawns) Thank you for the card VI A Treasure (flower bouquet) Thanks to you (flowers) Love To A Friend (swans) My Gift Leaning On Each Other Thanks For Your ...