Get Behind the Easel – Thanksgiving Verses: A fun and easy Bible memory verse game to help your kids memorize 3 great Bible verses about being thankful. Bible memory verse games will help your children hide God’s Word in their hearts and for this one… ...
Whatever need we have, God is more than able to meet. We may not like some sections of the path of life. There will be bumps in the road, dark valleys, and occasional detours from the way we thought we should go. But He has good purposes in all He brings us through. As we face...
The Lord has trulyblessed our marriage. I am verythankfulfor a wife who is forgiving,longsuffering, patient, determined, beautiful (inside and out), extremely intelligent, loyal, Spirit-filled, gracious, and who is used by the Lord every day to radiate His love not only to our personal hou...
Bible Game #2:“I’m So Sorry” – Here is a game in which the Scripture Lady showcases different situations in which children have either said something wrong, thought something wrong, or did something wrong. After discovering the offense, Kathy encourages the audience to sing this little po...
Bibleresources teach the nature and content of the Bible itself, and how to read it well. Theologyresources teach the summary of the Bible's teaching in organized categories, and how to think theologically about a variety of questions and current situations. ...
Scripture Verses used are from the King James Version of the Bible Archived in: Christian Reads It twinkles high above the earth Once glistened on a royal birth— Encircled by an angel’s choir Proclaiming God’s desire. Shepherds feared that dazzling light ...
David continues with the picture of wax being too close to a fire. As wind speaks to the smoke, so heat (or fire) speaks to the wax. And yet during the time of David, wax was plentiful in one application. Candles. As a candle is used for the production of light, the wax is cons...
BONUS: Students will also be learning the books of the Bible with a video by everyone’s favorite, Mr. G. Lesson 1 You are going to be receiving one message each week. Your job is to lock it safe in your heart! These are some of the most important messages you’ll ever hear. They...
Strength Bible Verses Bible Verses about Strength: Top Scriptures for Encouragement There are many Bible verses about strength for when you feel tired, weak, and overwhelmed by the storms of life. In the Psalms, we read the beautiful promise that: "The Lord is my rock,... ...
The Catholic church has quick answers from church tradition, but having learned that tradition is not always the best source for answers, I turned to God’s word, from Genesis to Revelation. Scope: Understanding the word “saint” in the Bible and its scope and usage led me to a clearer ...