Get Behind the Easel – Thanksgiving Verses: A fun and easy Bible memory verse game to help your kids memorize 3 great Bible verses about being thankful. Bible memory verse games will help your children hide God’s Word in their hearts and for this one… ...
Bible resources teach the nature and content of the Bible itself, and how to read it well. Theology resources teach the summary of the Bible's teaching in organized categories, and how to think theologically about a variety of questions and current situations. Therefore, this site contains class...
Those who have children that are reading this post – be thankful for children who are faithful, who love you and support you. But for those true believers who have children that have walked away from God, that pain is very real. A parent’s regrets and doubts are constantly splashed up ...
Bible Game #2:“I’m So Sorry” – Here is a game in which the Scripture Lady showcases different situations in which children have either said something wrong, thought something wrong, or did something wrong. After discovering the offense, Kathy encourages the audience to sing this little po...
Bible Verses About Healing - The Bible speaks often of miraculous healing through the work of Jesus Christ and through faith in God. Find Scripture that will encourage you and help you focus on finding comfort through the healing of Christ both spiri... Worry and Anxiety Bible Verses Bible...
BONUS: Students will also be learning the books of the Bible with a video by everyone’s favorite, Mr. G. Lesson 1 You are going to be receiving one message each week. Your job is to lock it safe in your heart! These are some of the most important messages you’ll ever hear. They...
Throughout Christian history, Christians have hotly debated the return of Jesus. Bible scholars, theologians, and culture observers have long speculated about when and how Jesus is going to return. Why do Christians think Jesus is going to return? In Acts 1:10–11, Jesus ascends to heaven, ...
Living in Peace With Others Scriptures Christians are to speak truth to the lives of those that are lost but we are also to show what Christianity is by being at peace with them. Read theseNew Testament Bible Scriptures on Peaceand lay them next to your daily life. Are there areas that ...
The Catholic church has quick answers from church tradition, but having learned that tradition is not always the best source for answers, I turned to God’s word, from Genesis to Revelation. Scope: Understanding the word “saint” in the Bible and its scope and usage led me to a clearer ...
It’s impossible to use this devotional well without having your Bible open alongside it, which is exactly how devotionals ought to work. Reading through Rooted in Hope, I found myself flipping to different passages, wanting to chew through the Word of God and enter more deeply into it. ...