Welcome We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the full knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding to lead a life worthy of the Lord, f
In the year 1729,' wrote John Wesley, I began not only to read but to study the Bible.' The results of that devoted study of the Word of God are to be seen in every page that he wrote. Both the brothers must have had a most profound, exact, and extensive acquaintance with the S...
Lectures previously published: 1913, The Bible and Life, Edwin Holt Hughes; 1914, The Literary Primacy of the Bible, George Peck Eckman. GEORGE R. GROSE, President De Pauw University. CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY The problem as to the understanding of the Scriptures is with some no problem at all....
Each phase of our lives can contain stressful situations. Even new, exciting changes can cause stress and even fear. Those big life changes can take us away from what we’ve known in the past and cause us to worry about the future. Our concerns can consume us with dread - or bring us...
Learn to set aside distractions with Discover the Word in order to focus on just “One Thing.” http://www.odb.org “…In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My ...
Through prayer we commune and know God, but we also open ourselves to be known by Him. We open our lives in obedience and worship. Photo credit - Pexels.com Recently while leading a Bible study dealing with prayer, I caught myself saying that prayer is communication with God. Communication...
To begin this, we will start with the beginning of the Bible: 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1, NKJV throughout, unless otherwise noted). The Hebrew word translated as 'God' in the above passage is'elohiym(or sometimes spelledelohim). So the first...
Some claim that there is a “sense” in which the Bible is “inspired of God” — but that it cannot be claimed that the very words themselves were divinely given. Will this theory stand the test of critical examination? This article looks at the biblical claim itself. ...
For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” Key to this passage is “comparing spiritual things with spiritual things”…and given that the Bible is Holy, and entirely inspired by the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of God, then that...
Isaiah 33:24"And the inhabitant will not say, "I am sick"; the people who dwell in it (Zion) will be forgiven their iniquity."NOTE- While this chapter in Isaiah is dealing with impending judgment with God's people (Zion) for repentance, notice that the forgiveness of their iniquity als...