The modern mind struggles to make sense of the atonement. At least mine does. The Book of Mormon insists that because of the atonement, mercy can potentially be extended to us sinners without compromising the demands of justice. In my experience, most attempts at clarifying what this means amo...
The Apostle Paul knew that we should glory in the difficult times, for these challenges work our patience and give us experience. This experience gives us strength and through Jesus Christ and His Atonement or sacrifice, we too can overcome the world. Remember, Hope comes through Faith. Hope ...
18 You shall bring to the priest a ram without blemish from the flock, or the equivalent, as a guilt offering; and the priest shall make atonement on your behalf for the error that you committed unintentionally, and you shall be forgiven. 19 It is a guilt offering; you have incurred ...
Law of Moses, the Mosaic Law, or simply the Law. Leviticus - showed us the great concern that the Jews held for reverent worship and holiness sacrifices of atonement - sacrificing an animal in the Temple in order to reconcile oneself or a people to God ___ becomes this sacrifice of atone...
Many of the prevailing ideas surrounding the atonement have parallels in our ideas about the fall. For example, the idea that our sins are transferred to Christ in the atonement is very similar to the idea that Adam’s transgression was transferred to each of us in the fall, giving us a ...
Know That When You Ask The Lord For Healing, It Is Already His Will And He Hears You And He Agrees. Know He Has Already Settled It In The Atonement Of The Blood Of Jesus Christ - He Says "Yes"! Psalm 30:2"O LORD my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me." ...
In this post, then, I will be responding to Wes’s arguments about authority. According to Reformed theology, Scripture is the final authority for Christian faith and practice – the familiar doctrine ofsola scriptura. In his post, however, Wes distinguishes between two different ...