on earth. And the way to the mercy seat was once only available to Moses, that he should inquire into the mind and will of God, and then to the high priest, that he should enter once a year to make atonement for the peoples’ sin. ...
Divine Healing.Divine healing from God is an integral part of the Gospel. Deliverance from sickness is provided in the Atonement (Christ\’s suffering and death for our reconciliation with God). Healing is a privilege of all believers (Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 8:16-17; James 5:14-16). ...
A topnotch WordPress.com site about God's Word, the Bible, and the history of ChristianityMenu Skip to content Home About – Betreft Intentions – Intenties Mijn exegese en hermeneutiek Mijn Geloof en de Wereld My Beliefs and the World My exegesis and hermeneutics Welcome -Welkom Wie of ...
The link below is a link to a great video series by Tim Martin fromWatchman Fellowship. It is the best series on the Word of Faith Movement that I have ever seen. Done in a very irenic (peaceable) tone, this would be perfect for the WoFer who is starting to doubt the truthfulness o...
The most misunderstood word in the Bible is also one of the biblical words we use the most. What word is that? The word “saved.” And not just the word saved, but the other words in the same word family, such as save, salvation, and savior. How often have we heard pastors and ...
repentance and confession. God does not tell Isaiah that he is wrong in his assessment of himself and the situation. He does not try and build Isaiah’s self esteem. He basically acknowledges Isaiah’s unworthiness, and in His mercy and sovereignty uniquely provides atonement for Isaiah via a...
Εὐχαριστεῖν is never in the N. T. equivalent to χάριν ἀποδοῦναι, gratias referre.πατρί] Father of Jesus.διʼ αὐτοῦ] For Jesus, as the personal historical mediator of Messianic bliss through the work of atonement, is therewith ...
Part 2 (Interpreting the Scriptures) Part 3 (Where Sickness Comes From) Part 4 (Healing and the Will of God 1) Part 5 (Healing and the Will of God 2) Part 6 (Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh) Part 7 (Healing and the Atonement 1) ...
The “mercy seat” was that holy place in the tabernacle (and later, the temple) where God revealed His presence in Israel. It is where the high priest went, on the Day of Atonement, to apply the shed blood of the sacrifice. In order to recall the significance of this, I encourage ...
the Bible not only in matters of faith and morals but also as a literal historical record, holding as essential to Christian faith belief in such doctrines as the creation of the world, the virgin birth, physical resurrection, atonement by the sacrificial death of Christ, and the Second ...